quick intro

132 3 1

Speedrun this bitch because Wattpad said 'no, bestie.'

(🥀) fluffy angst
(⚠️) Just angst
(🔺)Smut (most likely not going to use this one though)

Welcome to my first ever book, I'm not that good at writing so bear with me here.

I usually base these of of rp's I have,, so totally requests are open!
I don't write very often (which is why I'm pretty bad at it) but when I do I'd love to post them.

Another thing, I've heard of this happening before so

I use the characters, not the content creators.

If you're expecting me to use minors in any way shape or form that sexualizes them, out. This shouldn't even have to be said, but unfortunately it does. First of all, Minors. Seconds of all, ILLEGAL. If you're a person that's here for that, I don't even want you reading my stories, out. You disgust me.

There are people that send or recommend Wattpad stories and it's ruining people's want to write, i do not wish them to be shown to the content creators.

♥️ That's all I need to say for now, reminder before I leave! For whoever needs to hear this;

You're splendid, and even small achievements make me so proud of you, you've made it so far and through so much, I understand it's hard, and intimidating. I'm proud of everyone, but more importantly in the people that push through everything.

Yeah that- I just wanted to make you feel appreciated like the royalty you aRe. Kay bye for realzies this time

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