Chapter 1

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I was finally alone for the first time in months, Sam went to visit an old hunter friend for books and Dean went on a road trip to Wisconsin. I wrote a note to both Sam and Dean.

"Sam and Dean,

Went to my family cabin. I will not have a signal for my phone. I just need some time to myself, don't know when I'll be back. I'll text you when I'm on my way home.

Love you,


I also moved my car to make it look like I left the Bunker. I set the note on a table in the war room, then went to the farthest bathroom in the bunker. Before I went to the bathroom, I walked to my room and grabbed my sleeping pills. I then walked to the bathroom, Once I got there, I locked the door and slowly turned to turn on the water to fill the tub. I took out a hand full of pills and then shut off the water. I sat in the water staring at the pills in my hand, then swallowed the pills then laid down in the water and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I thought that it didn't work until I turned my head and saw my mom, dad, and brother. I started running to them happy to see them again but mom slowly shook her head and I stopped running to them. She said

" You don't belong here honey. You need to back to your soulmates."

I was about to say that I didn't have soulmates when I heard faint voices coming from behind me.


I got home from Garths, from getting some books we didn't have. Shockingly. When I pulled into the garage I saw that (Y/N)'s car wasn't there. I was nervous because (Y/N) usually texts one of us, but I left it alone to see if there was a note inside. Once I parked the car and turned it off, I went to see where (Y/N) put her note if there was one. It was really quiet, which was unusual, because (Y/N) always listened to classic rock. That was something Dean and (Y/N) shared, sure it drove me crazy but that is what I love about them. I then looked down to my left hand when there was a small sting and noticed another name forming about Dean's mark. I went to my room to put my stuff down and I had an odd gut feeling that I just couldn't ignore. I quickly ran to (Y/N)'s room and and found that it was all packed with her car keys on top of the boxes with only a small note

"Sam and Dean I'm Sorry. I love you both."

I knew what this really meant. I had a rough patch myself and took my life into my own hands instead of going to Dean for help. So I ran to get my phone than ran to the farthest bathroom in the bunker. Once I got to the door, I kicked it down and when I got inside it seem liked I saw already too late. I did the only thing that I could do 'Save (Y/N)'. I quickly pulled (Y/N) out of the tub and started CPR. I kept trying to save her but soon I realized I was too late, I sat down and pulled

(Y/N) body into my arms and stated crying.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry. I wish I noticed before you did this but please if you can hear me please come back. I love you so much and I know Dean does too. We both really need you 'please' come back to us." I just kept crying hard.

After a while I reached for my phone to call Dean. That's when I notched (Y/N)'s name on my left ring finger above Dean's mark. I found Dean's name on my phone and hit the call button and waited for his mate to pick up.

Dean POV

My night wasn't going to well but I had this gut feeling that I need to go back to the bunker. While staring at my left hand on the wheel I noticed a name starting to form above Sam's, my phone started to ring and I grabbed it, and saw it was Sammy.

"Hey Sammy. What's up?"

All I heard was Sam crying on the other side of the phone.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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