#23: You blew it Part 2:

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Closes door:

Tony: Here you go.

Layla: Thanks. Did Jenna and Quakers stop fighting...

Tony: Yeah... wait WHAT... did you just say QUAKERS?

Layla: Yeah? Is there something wrong?

Tony: No, just. Who is Quakers? Is it something or someone you came up with? Like an imagery friend...

Layla: No he's real!

Tony: Wait, it's a he?

Layla: Yeah... he was talking to Jenna. Didn't you find him there?

Tony: No. Wait... are you calling Cisco Quakers?

Layla: Who's that?

Tony: Oh, sorry. I'll show you at lunch.

Layla: Oh, okay. When's lunch?

Tony: Like probably in 2 hours.

Layla: Oh. Who are you again?

Tony: I'm Tony, Tony Toretto.

Layla: Yes, I know that, but I want to know, who are you?

Tony: I'm-

Layla: So wait... You're not my brother...

Tony: Yes...

Layla: And you're not my cousin...

Tony: Yup...

Layla: You're not my father...

Tony: Layla, I'm like 16. We're literally the same age.

Layla: Well, all I'm asking is... Are you a family member of mine?

Tony: No, Layla... I'm your-

Door opens: Jenna

Jenna: I'm baaaaack!

Tony: Oh my word...

Jenna: Get out you rat!

Tony: No, get out Jennifer!

Jenna: Ugh!

Layla: Okay, now I don't know if my name is Beast, Rat, Jennifer or Layla...

Jenna: Shut up you WEIRDO!

Layla: Huh?

Cisco: Okay, it's time to get out babe.

Jenna: Yeah, let's go BABE...

-Tony pushed Cisco and Jenna out...

Jenna: No, wait. You're my only-

Door shuts:

Layla: So is my name WEIRDO?

Tony: No, it's Layla. Okay... wait. Listen to me and listen to me only. If someone talks to you... don't reply or don't even listen. When someone calls you some other weird name, their not talking to you. Just ignore everyone except me.

Layla: Oh, okay...

Skip⏩: 3hours later:

Tony POV
-So, we had lunch and none of us enjoyed it. Well, at least Jennifer and Cisco enjoyed themselves and yeah Jennifer came with. We're going on a mission next week so Cisco will have to stop what he's doing. You probably want to know if Layla's coming with and the answer to that question is no. She's staying with Kate that day. Think about it... she has to gain her memory back so she can think like a spy/racer again. If we're gonna take her before she gained her memory back, we're just taking a clue less person on the mission and one who doesn't even know who she is. I really love Layla and I want that Jennifer to stay away from her...

Echo POV
-Mike is becoming suspicious, because I just told him that i can't see him for a week and now he wants to know why. All I had to say was that I'm grounded. Yeah, that's a weak lie. I love him but I need to know if I can trust him...

Michael: Okay... I'll leave. Bye babe.

Echo: Bye

Door closes:

Layla: Why ya drooling? Is he that cute?

Echo: Oh, hey Layla...

Tony: Layla?

Layla: Oh sorry. Bye!

Echo: What?

-Wow I LOVE THIS LAYLA GRAY! She literally said sorry and I don't even know why...

Layla: Sorry, but how am I gonna gain my memory if I can't talk to anyone? And why can't I talk to anyone?

Tony: Cause this happens...

Layla: What?

Tony: You just said sorry...

Layla: Yeah?

Tony: In reality Layla Gray doesn't apologize to ANYONE...

Layla: Fact noted, I will stop apologizing...

Tony: No wait...

Cisco POV
-I don't want Layla to get her memory back. Remember a few months ago when I confessed my feelings to Layla. Yeah, bad memory. So... I'm gonna replace Layla with Jenna. I'll tell her all about the Spy staff...

Cisco: Jenna?

Jenna: Yeah, what's up?

Cisco: ...

To be continued...

Spy racers    (My version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang