#4: The Truth Part 2

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Tony POV 

I knew there was something suspicious going on with Layla, so I followed her and I know she said for me to mind my own business, but if she says that then that means there is something big going on. I found Layla in her room, full of tears from crying and she had her phone in her hand. I know you're saying I shouldn't go up and get up all in her business, but I went up to her and...

Tony: Hey Layla, what's wrong?   [Tony asked trying to comfort her]

Layla: It's...   [She leans in to Tony to get a hug]   my dad!

Tony: What happened?

Layla: He...he...   [she continues crying on Tony's shoulder]   He died!

Tony: Oh, I'm so sorry this happened to you Layla.  When did he die?

Layla: This morning... from... passing out on drugs.

Tony: Well I'm so sorry, but how did you find out.

Layla: From my mom

Tony: I'm sorry Layla   [Layla breaks up the hug and gets a tissue]

Layla: Its okay, Tony, I'm sure I look ridiculous right now.

-Wait what just happened, did she just call me TONY! But I really feel sorry for and I want her to stop crying, but to feel special.

Tony: Oh, no you don't, you look beautiful like always...

-In that moment there was silence for awhile and I thought to myself, why did I say that! Until she told me something that I'll always remember...

Layla: Uhm... Tony... I... kinda like you...and for a pretty long time and I was just hoping you do too... but if you don't, I'd understand and you don't have to say that you like me too, because you feel sorry...  [but before she could finish]

-Okay, this is all happening so quick!  Before she could finish what she was saying, I kissed her and I wanted this day to come and I didn't think it would be her saying it. This is all so special and heartwarming!

Tony: I like you too.   [He said while they were still kissing]

-We kissed like for a few minutes after we pulled away and started having a conversation that I'd also never forget. Afterwards we watched a movie and fell asleep. I woke up and we were about to land in 2hours, but I didn't get it though, we were supposed to land long time ago. I found Layla sleeping on my chest and my hands were wrapped around her waist, I remembered what happened a few hours ago and I thought to myself that all of that went so quickly. I wanted to find out why we didn't land a few hours ago already, but I didn't want to wake up Layla so I went back to sleep, but the only thing I was worried about was if  someone walked in so I took the controller that controls the doors right next to me and locked the doors.

Layla POV 

-I woke from such a comfortable nap, but once I opened my eyes, I saw that, I was laying on top of Toretto!  I remembered my mom sent me a text message that said, my dad died today! I ran to my room and needed some space and started crying, just a minute later, Toretto walks in and comforts me, BUT I end up telling him my feelings for HIM! I know right, but it gets more shocking when he kisses me and says that he likes me too!   Suddenly, I forgot all about my dad issue and started kissing Toretto back and we kissed for  a few minutes and started having a conversation and laughing. All I remember is than after that we watched a movie on ROMANCE, but we fell asleep during it and I enjoyed sleeping with him though. I got up slowly and I was lucky he didn't wake up and I covered him with a  blanket than I opened up the door for my room, but it was locked and I saw the screen was off for no one to see us in here so I realized it might be by Tony and I was right! It was right next to him so it was challenging to get it from him, but once I got it, I got out. I realized, we supposed to land long time ago but according to Gary, we land in  an hour and 37 minutes. So I went to the bathroom and got ready... you know from crying. Once I was done, I went to Echo and the guys.

Layla: Hey!

Frostee: Hi Layla, Where were you?  

Layla: Oh, just resting.

Frostee: Uhm... do you know where T is?

Layla: Yeah, he is in he's room.

Frostee: Oh, doing what?

Layla: I think he also went to take a nap.

Frostee: Oh...   [Frostee replied in a suspicious tone]

Echo: So where were you?

Layla: Resting...

Echo: No, I mean where?

Layla: Uhm... uhm... in... the...

Door opens:

Cisco: Wow, Guys, this plane has great Fro-Yo!

Layla: WOW, there's Fro-Yo?   [Layla said quickly changing the topic]

Cisco: Yeah... oh and where's T, he better taste this!

Layla: Napping.

Echo: Oh yeah, where were YOU resting Layla?

Layla: I... in my... room!

Echo: Yours?

Layla: Yeah

Frostee: Wait ... you said T was napping in his room well, he wasn't there when I went to go look for him and he wasn't even with Gary and Ms Nowhere so that means... he was only with you the whole time!

Layla: Uhm...maybe, he was hanging with Cisco!

Cisco: Nah dude, I was with them the entire time and I wasn't with T and I only left to go and get something to eat.

Frostee: Uh huh... and that means he was only with YOU!  And you we napping together... well I hope!

Layla: Ok, we were just hanging 

Frostee: Okay... so why did you need to lie about it?   Yeah I knew it!  I knew you two were dating!   [Frostee said confidently]

Layla: Oh my God!

Cisco: What is happening here?

Echo: Yeah, what's going on Layla?

Frostee: I'll tell you, they were dating behind our backs and I found it out without needing to spy on them.

Cisco: Really Layla and you didn't tell us?

Layla: No! What Frostee is saying, is all lies!

Echo: Oh, really than why did you have to hide the fact that you two were hanging out together?

Layla: It's all a misunderstanding!

Cisco: Nah, I'm gonna find that out myself from him!

Echo: Layla, and we're gonna go find him in YOUR room!

Frostee: I was right!  [Frostee said while going with Echo and Cisco to go ask Tony about him and Layla.]

-This was all a disaster and Frostee thought Tony and I are dating. Now they are going to wake him up just to ask him about me so, I'm running after them so I can stop them!

To be continued...

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