#3: The Truth

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Layla POV 

The game was a disaster and a disappointment... well we all thought that it would go great, but to be honest we all ruined it for ourselves. WOW I never thought we could keep so many secrets from each other like that. So much was released today!  Cisco looks like an honest person, but when everything was released, no one looked honest! At least my crush wasn't revealed... uhm... there's one thing, I'm leaving out though... I have a crush on Tony Toretto, I know, it's ridiculous! Who knew this would happen, but Toretto is cute though, like really CUTE! My subconscious is telling me to go for it and tell him, but what if it all goes wrong and he doesn't like me at all and tomorrow, I'm supposed to help him with he's car! Let's just hope everything goes well.

Frostee: So... I think we should start with the game   [Frostee said suspiciously]

Cisco: Uhm... Start with me Frostee!

Frostee: Oh, okay,  Cisco... Truth or Dare?

Cisco: Truth!

Frostee: Cisco... who was your first kiss?

Cisco: Uhm...actually, to be honest, I've never had a first kiss   [Cisco said shyly]

Echo: That's realistic!

Frostee: Echo...

Echo: What?

Tony: Wow dude...

Layla: What the...

Cisco: I know okay...let's carry on.   T... Truth or dare?

Tony: Truth

Cisco: Is it true, you've never been on a date with anyone before?

Tony: Yeah... I guess ...

Echo: WHAT!

Layla: Toretto!

Frostee: Oh my!

Echo: I was expecting this from big guy over there.   [Echo said referring to Cisco]

Tony: I know... it's a big deal for  my age okay.

I was shocked at what just happened now and the game just started. I felt that Toretto was embarrassed and upset, so I was planning to let him feel better later on till I realized this...

Frostee: Tony it's your turn to pick.

Tony: Oh yeah... uhm... Echo... Truth or dare?

Echo: T, I hope you're not picking me, because of what I just said... uhm... dare!

Tony: I dare you to... uhm... kiss... Cisco right now.

Echo: What! 

Cisco: Bro!

Echo: Okay, now , I know you're angry at me T!

Tony: I'm not!

Echo: OKAY Cisco... let's do... it!  But real quick though!

Cisco: O...Kay!

-Echo and Cisco went up to each other and they kissed for 6 whole seconds!  Okay, now I was REALLY shocked at what happened, but wait there's more!

-After the two pulled away and went back to their seats while everyone was shocked at what had happened.

Layla: Woah hoo!

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