#1: In the beginning:

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The Dead End

Tony: (sleeping) (Snoring)

Frostee: Huh! Hope you didn't like you head!  -[laughs, whoops]   Don't come at me with a two-by-four of  rusty nails! 

-Frostee said while playing a video game and yelling at the player, he's playing against.

Layla: Hey, zombie killer? Keep it down. I'm trying to concentrate.  YES!!!

-Layla said when she threw a piece of crunched up paper in Tony's mouth.

Tony: (coughs)  Was I eating paper in my sleep again?

-Tony said while choking on paper, Layla threw at him.

-They were on the Spy Plane, going on a mission with Echo in charge. Ms Nowhere couldn't finish the mission, so it was up to them. Echo was a bit nervous, but with all that training, she learnt from Spy School, she believed, she was ready! At the same time, she also thought she couldn't make it and she thought to herself that if the world's greatest spy couldn't handle the mission how was she gonna be able to finish it. The problem was, she forgot that she's not ALONE. With Tony, Layla, Cisco and Frostee by her side and by using their  skills they were capable to face any task or situation!

Door Opens:

Echo: Yo people!  We're near the drop zone. Let's review the mission to capture Cleve Kelso.  Here's the deal. We're headed to a town on the outskirts of the Sahara.  There we'll meet our contact, supply up, get our cars and head out.

-While she was talking, she didn't realize, they weren't paying attention to the plan.                      Tony was sleeping while Layla was throwing paper at him and Frostee was busy playing he's video game.

Echo: In the desert, we'll be dealing with miles of blistering earth.  There have been reports of strange weather and radar readings...


-Finally, she realized, they weren't paying attention.

-[Crackling]  This is Agent Echo to cockpit. Drop 'em! She said so the pilot can drive the plane sideways, so they can FOCUS.                                            

-[Alarm blares]

-[They all yell]


-Echo said so the pilot drives in the correct position.

-[They all groan]

Echo: You guys ready to pay attention now?

[They all groan again]

Door opens:

Cisco: Hey, yo!  Did anyone else feel that turbulence?  I almost threw up my cookies.

Frostee: Wait, we got cookies on board? 

Cisco: [scoffs]  Yeah, but they're awful. (Cisco replied and continued eating the cookies)

Echo: Those aren't cookies you FOOL!  You're eating our rations!  Are you guys not serious about this mission?

-Echo was stressing about the mission and the part that made her more furious was when the team weren't focusing. Tony answered her question...

Tony: Of course we are, Echo, but we got everything the first five times.  We all want Ms. Nowhere and Gary back.

Echo: That not the mission! (She said angrily)

Echo: Cleve Kelso, Rafaela, and this man, Matsuo Mori, a cybernetic samurai, are in the desert.  It's our mission to bring them in.

Frostee: So we're just leaving Ms. Nowhere and Gary by themselves?  

Layla: If they're even alive.

Cisco: What?

Echo: I'm sure they're fine.  They're trained to handle any situation.  (Echo replied with a worried look on her face)  Besides, they know the deal. The agency doesn't rescues ops.

Cisco: That's cold.

Frostee: Yeah, Echo. You've changed.

Echo: Ms Nowhere was my training officer.  She taught me to put the mission over everything. That's what we're doing.

Layla: Wait. We're going there? To the dead end?

-Layla said while they were looking at their plan.

Echo: If you mean the town called Nihaya then yes.

Layla: The locals call it The Dead End, and not just, because it's the last train stop.  It's full of outlaws and gangsters.  It's crazy dangerous. But...  they do have the best falafel.

Echo: Is this gonna be a problem?

Layla: The way I see it, its an advantage.  Now you've got some insider knowledge, and we know who to stay away from.  By the way, do you have a plan for this plane?  As far as I remember, there's no airport at The Dead End.

-The plan was for the team to jump out the plane, but they carried parachutes.                                 -[They all yelled]  

This is going to be continued...

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