So heres the story

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You get up off the couch and walk with Ricky over to the kitchen. You sit on one of the island chairs , which you were confused since ricky can't decorate.

"So what actually happened." He folded his hands and leaned against the counter.

"Well..." you start.


Your boyfriends phone goes off with an unknown number, you check it with a message stating that the unknown person misses them. Another message comes in as well as your boyfriend. You get off the couch and walk into the kitchen.

"Who is this and why are they texting you about last summer while you were gone." You get up and shove the phone in his face.

"It's an old friend nothing to worry about." He turns around from the fridge.

"Well if it's an "old" friend why is their name just a number , Everyone else has a name, and don't bullshit me with I didn't have time." You raised your voice.

"It's NOTHING y/n ." He gets frustrated.

"DON'T LIE TO ME WHAT HAPPENED LAST SUMMER?" You teared up. "Tell me. Is that who you were with again today."

"Y/n stop ok, I'm sorry you couldn't come with an-" he walks closer to you. But you back away.

"I'M SO DONE WITH YOU." You screamed at him with tears running down your face.

You run to your room and pack up your stuff.

"Fine go." He yells

You get in your car and drive to Ricky's.

~present time~

You wipe off your tears and Ricky walks over to you hugging you.

"Damn holy shit I'm sorry that happened." You could tell he didn't know what to say but we're still grateful that he cared.

"Thanks, I should've realized it awhile ago," you break the hug.

He hands you a tissue and you readjust your makeup.

"I'll clean out the room and you can stay here as long as needed."

"Thanks bro."

"Anything else you need to discuss?"

"Nope at least I hope not." You hop off the chair with a weak smile.

Ricky guides you back to the living room, everyone tensed up. It was awkward silence till Vinny spoke.

"Geez Rick what'd you do? " he said chuckling.

Ricky gave vin a death glare.

"Moving on, the party tonight. Did we get everything?" Chris asked

"Oh I totally forgot, y/n you ok with that?" He gave a thumbs up.

"Of course you probably already planned it. You don't need to cancel something over me"

~TIMESKIP brought to you by Chris' eyebrows~

You stayed on the couch to avoid getting in the way. You saw lots of people walking in, no one you recognized. Ricky put on slipknot, and it was a very loud party. He came over seeing  that you  were alone.

"Let me introduce you to my friends."

You nodded, and put your phone on the coffin-shaped coffee table. He took you over to a large group of people.

"This is mike, we call him kuza."
You smiled at the guy with gauges in his nose.
"He was in our band at one point."

"Josh, or balz, he was also in our band. "You give ricky a confused look.

"Believe it or not that actually my last name." "Josh" said laughing.

Everyone laughed too and then you smiled.

"Angelo, also another ex band member."

Angelo held out his hand to shake , you smiled and shook his hand.

He introduced you to a few more people (up to you whose there except anyone from bvb) ,you felt stressed but calm. It was a good distraction from what happened. You sat back on Ricky's all black leather couch and check your phone to see 200+ photos of vin and Ryan, you smiled thinking of them both. You planned on posting some on Instagram or Twitter but for now you saw everyone walking over to the living room.

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