Chapter 25

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I start typing on my keyboard, trying every single thing I know about tracking. I'm an expert at refusing people to track me down, so I have to think from that. What technique would I use to prevent people to track me down?

            I think about some technics, I try them down, but it doesn't work. I start to get a little frustrated and I call Garcia.

"Penelope, I need your hands on this one." I sigh.

"I'm all here for you." I can feel the smirk in her voice.

"Okay, so I think we need to track him down from two sides. He's like a loner very well equipped, he will kill us every time we go straight to him, but if we're more than one, he can't kill us all at once." I explain.

"Not bad, actually." Penelope starts typing again. "Where do we start?"

            We do our thing for ten minutes before entering his system.

"Got him, well done, genius girl." Penelope chuckles. "Oh, wait, JJ's calling. I'll patch us up."

"Hey, Garcia, I need you to check on an old case in Miami." I hear JJ's voice through the phone.

"Fingers at the ready." Penelope says. "Oh, and Victoria is online too, we're getting close."

"Perfect, girls." Luke congrats us.

"Ok, uh, 20 years ago, a boy roughly 5 or 6, saw his mom killed." JJ gives Penelope information.

"Uh, nothing is coming up." Penelope sighs. "This is pre-internet."

"This would have received a lot of media attention, even back then." JJ continues.

"We said maternal figure in the profile, Garcia." Luke states. "Try babysitter. I mean, all of these women look more like babysitters, don't you think?"

"Ok, 2à years ago this month." Penelope starts. "The boy's name was Jeffery Whitfield. He saw his babysitter, Gina Meadows, murdered with... oh, my..."  

"A .44." JJ completes.

"Yeah, she was shot once in the heart." Garcia continues.

"Just like the victims now." Luke agrees.

"Jeffery and Gina were found in a car, weren't they?" JJ seems to understand everything.

"Uh-huh." Penelope hums. "In a strip mall parking lot."

"Was it inside the unsub's comfort zone?" Luke wonders.

"Yeah, they were outside the vet's office. They were taking Jeffery's cat to the vet. Jeffery was in the backseat. He was the whole thing. He wasn't hurt, but..." Penelope says.

"The victims bear a striking resemblance to Gina." I add.

"I'm sending the info now." Penelope states. "We have a killer to track down."

"All right, thanks girls." Luke ends up the call.

"Do you have something interesting?" Penelope wonders.

"I'm close, but I feel like it's going to become trickier now." I sigh. "I am scared he thought about auto-destruction data."

"How so? No one thinks about that..." Penelope chuckles nervously.

"I would." I quickly say. "I would think about that, like, if anyone else than me or the authorized people manage to access the data, boom, explode."

"This is tricky, indeed. It asks for a lot of skills." Penelope states.

"Skills that he has, Garcia." I sigh. "I'm going to see Emily quickly. Stay tuned."

            I walk to the conference room where they are preparing another meeting. Emily is caught up in her work, so I wait for her to notice me.

"Tori? Do you have something?" She asks me after a while.

"It's tricky, Em, we might lose everything after my next move." I sigh and put my hand on the back of a chair. "He might disappear completely, no more evidence..."

"We can't take that risk now..." Emily tries to think. "Wait here, we're going to sum up everything, maybe something can come in your skillful mind during this time."

            I sit heavily on the chair and wait for everyone. Once they are here, JJ starts to present the unsub, Luke helping her. They all start to discuss about what the unsub could search while doing this. Everything finally points to Sandra Madsen.

"That's it, screen of smoke." I whisper. "Em, I know how to do it. Go for that Sandra girl, she's in danger."

I return to the room I was in before and I call Penelope.

"Garcia, listen to me, it's going to be hard." I inform her. "It's all a screen of smoke, we're trying to track him starting from the device he used to send the videos, but it's not where he keeps all his data. Try to find all the device Jeffery owns."

"On it." I hear her typing.

"Try to find a device which could be moving right now, near Channel 3 or Jeffery's apartment." I command.

"One minute, sweetheart, it'll take time." Penelope says. "Give me ideas of devices."

"Phone, computer, camera, recording stuff, USB keys, Wi-Fi keys..." I list quickly.

"Got him." Penelope speaks up. "His camera has been connected two seconds ago; he is livestreaming something.... OH. MY. GOD..."

"What is it, Garcia?" I wonder.

"He is with Sandra... I need to call Emily." She barely manages to talk.

"Yeah, Garcia?" I hear Emily say.

"Jeffery Whitfield is on... and he's got a... he's got a gun to Sandra's head, and he's posting it all on his social media." Penelope sums up.

"Penelope, can you see where they are?" Dave wonders.

"Uh, in the News Room." Penelope is clearly panicking.

"Can you cut off his feed?" Emily asks. "I don't think he'll kill Sandra if the world can't watch."

"I can try, but it's going to take a second." Garcia says while crying.

"We got it, Penelope, breathe, it's going to be fine." I try to calm her.

"Please, work quickly." Emily pleads.

"Double side him, Penelope." I say calmly.

"Yeah, it's going to work, it's going to work..." Garcia whispers breathing heavily. "Where do we start?"

"Focus on our work, don't listen to him, every second we lose is a chance for him to do exactly what he wants." I tell her. "Attack his connection first, I'll go for the data itself."

"Fine, on it." Garcia excitedly types on her keyboard. "No, no. Not today, Satan!"

"Great job, Pen!" I yell in my phone seeing the livestream has been ended. "I'm coping all his data, we're good, guys, we're good."

"Thank you, girls." Emily whispers.

We watch Emily and David outsmarting our unsub. After that, we all gather in the plane, and we head home. Another day at the office.

White Flag (Jennifer Jareau x Fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now