1. Videos

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Author's Note: The poll ended up staying tied, even after all of my tantrumming :) This one is shorter (ten chapters) and it's finished, so you're gonna get this one first. I am currently working on the other, so sit tight if you're bummed out that it didn't win.

Trigger Warning: This story contains sensitive subjects such as body dysmorphia, and eating disorders, including restriction and purging. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, no worries if you choose to skip! The next one will be up in a couple of weeks.Take care of yourselves and know your limits!

For those who choose to read on, as always, votes and comments keep my world turnin....

1. Videos

"Babe?" Mark called, setting his keys on the table and making his way through the house. He was met with silence as he searched.

He turned the corner to the living room and smiled. Scott was hovered over his laptop with headphones on. His brow was furrowed, like he was concentrating to the point of a headache.

Blue eyes snapped upwards to meet his and the blond smiled. Mark's heart warmed at the sight of his fiancé, who looked at him with an adoration that he had never experienced with anyone else before.

Scott Hoying loved him more than anything in this world. Anyone with eyes could see that.

Scott took off his headphones, setting them on the table. "Hot out?"

Mark closed the distance between them, kissing him on the forehead. "What gave you that idea?"

"Is there any sweat left inside of you?" Scott asked, crinkling his nose.

"This is what working out in the dry heat of LA looks like," Mark smiled, shrugging. He was pretty sure that he could wring out his shirt to fill a bucket at this point.

Scott's eyes became blank for a moment, but Mark blinked, and the warmth returned to them.

"I obviously need to shower," Mark continued when Scott didn't reply. He looked down at himself before returning his gaze to his fiancé, slyly. "I might need some help in there?"

Scott gave him a sad smile as he reached for his headphones again. "Sorry, baby. I can't believe that I'm declining that invitation, and I'll probably kick myself for it later, but I have to have this rough cut to Ben in exactly forty-five minutes."

Mark shrugged. "Figured I'd give it a shot." He leaned down to place a quick kiss on Scott's lips, turning on his heel and retreating to the bathroom.

Scott watched him leave in awe.

Mark always left him in awe.

And Mark knew it.

Mark used to ogle him the same way. He had trouble keeping his hands off of him. Lately, however, that didn't seem to be the case.

One would think that being freshly engaged would reignite the fire between a couple, but Scott realized quickly that it didn't bring back the spark that he had hoped for. Mark looked at him like he loved him too, that wasn't a question. But he didn't look at him like he wanted to devour him. Not the way that he used to. And not the way that Scott still looked at him.

He submitted the cut to Ben in the next five minutes. He knew that it was finished, but he didn't want to accept Mark's invitation.

He pressed send, and found himself doing what he had been doing often for the past few months: Watching old videos.

The one that he had settled upon this time was 'Radioactive'. He watched himself on the screen, and he had trouble remembering looking like that.

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