Chapter 35, FINALE: Story After Apokolips.

Começar do início

"Kori.....the metal on your face, your cyborg self, does not describe who you are. It never will, you will describe you."

Her words made Kori feel somewhat better.

"Also, you are beautiful, inside.....and out." Raven says with a smile, Kori had tears forming and going out of her one good eye.

"Thank you, dear Raven." The Tamaranian goes forward and hugs the empath. Raven hugs her back happily, suddenly she got an idea.

"Kori! I have an idea!" Raven exclaims with joy, moving away from the hug.

"What is it?" Kori asks, "What if, my wedding dress was made out of the same material that you wear?!" She suggests.

"Wait, what? How is that even possible?" Kori asks. "Everything is possible with a little magic." Raven says with a grin while lifting her hands, showing her magic.

"Why do you want your dress to be made from Tamaranian material?" Kori asks confused.

"'ve always been there for me, caring for me, comforting me, and so much more." Kori's heart just melts at the words.

"You're a sister to me, so I want to be wearing the same fabric my role model and favorite person in the whole world wears. You are my family, Kori, and I will always be thankful for that. So this will help me be a part of your family." Said Raven with such love and sincerety. Kori's smile cannot get and wider.

The Tamaranian pulls the Azarathian into another hug. She hugs her tight, "Thank you, dear Raven." Kori says with full sincerity. Raven just chuckles in return.

"No problem.......sister."


Raven was in her and Damian's room, just reading her spell books. She thought that maybe she can find a spell to make the cyborgs fully human again.

She scrolled carefully in every page, making sure she wasn't leaving any stone unturned. She read every spell that could help but they wouldn't work.

She read for hours on end while Damian trained with the assassins. She looked tirelessly to find a cure for her cyborg friends' problems and burdens.

After she read a few more books, she found what she was looking for, but there was a small problem.

It included the Lazarus Pit and its power.

Like it was fate, the owner of the base where the pit was held came in the room.

"Hello beloved, how was your day?" Damian says, putting his sword down.

"It was fine, I was just looking for a way to help our friends." Raven says informing the prince.

"And? Did you find a way?" He asks, she nods in response.

"What is it?" Damian says, waiting for her to continue.

"It's a healing spell but we have one problem." She says, the Prince Of Assassins raises his eyebrow in confusion on what the problem may be.

Raven saw this so she continued, "It includes the Lazarus Pit and it's healing capabilities."

Damian's eyes grew wide at this information, sure the Lazarus Pit can heal but it also makes you lose your sanity.

"What! No, absolutely not!" 

"Look Damian, I know it might sound insane but this is the only chance we have to give our friends the normal lives that they deserve." She says, she didn't understand why he was so mad. He used it on Dick, why can't they use it again for their other family and friends?

Damirae: Story After Apokolips.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora