1 - I light my school on fire

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TW - Arson, bombs, swearing


Everyone around me was running and screaming, trying to escape the red hot flames that were licking up the sides of the school. Most people had made it safely outside and were now watching as the fire department tried to rescue those who were still trapped inside.

I stood away from everyone else, leaning casually against a tree, flicking my lighter on and off in my left hand. The flames danced in front of me, reflecting in my eyes and filling me with a manic excitement that I always felt when I set something on fire.

My joy didn't last long however as my math teacher suddenly appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my arm.
"Get off me," I growled, trying to pull out of his grip. He turned to face me, his face full of anger and fear. He didn't even have the courtesy to respond to me, he just started dragging me towards a cluster of police cars on the side of the road. 'Hell no' I thought as my teacher started waving wildly at the few police officers who were milling around, waiting for instructions.

"This is him! He started the fire!"

All of the officers ran towards me, pulling out weapons and handcuffs. I smirked darkly at them, there was no way I was getting arrested tonight. I pulled a small homemade bomb out of my pocket using my free hand and lit the fuse with my lighter. Everyone's eyes watched as I threw the bomb as hard as I could at the police cars. Everyone around me ducked for cover as the cars exploded.

I just stood there, grinning as the school's fire continued to rage and as the police rushed to asses the damage on their cars. My teacher's grip on my arm slackened and I took it as my opportunity to run. I put my lighter in my pocket and darted past the chaos, heading for the nearby suburbs, as I ran I screamed curses at the top of my lungs.

I kept running until the sounds of sirens and screams of my teachers and classmates faded into the distance. I only slowed to a walk when I reached my house. That was a bad idea. The second I came to a halt, I noticed three police cars in the driveway. Before I had time to think, a police officer jumped out of a nearby bush and wrestled me to the ground.

"Sapnap Castellan (I couldn't think of a last name so I looked some up lol) your under arrest for arson, the damage of school property and damage of several police vehicles," I managed to raise my head up a little bit from the rocky sidewalk. My mom stood in the living room window, her face full of disappointment. I sighed in defeat.
"Fuck," Was the only reply I managed to come up with.

✨Time Skip✨

My court case took about a month. A month of sitting in the boiling hot court room in a stuffy, uncomfortable suit. A month of watching my crappy lawyer plead my case. A month of waiting to hear the verdict. Eventually the judge came to a decision. A decision I hated.

I was being sent to boarding school. A private boarding school for troubled teens. I would rather go to juvie than be shipped off to a boarding school with idiots that think they're badass because they talked back to a couple teachers, at least at juvie I'd be respected for all the arson I'd committed without getting caught.

People kept telling me I was lucky and saying shit like,
"Now you behave yourself young man, not everyone gets a second chance,"
"This is an opportunity kid, take it and better yourself,"
"You're very lucky young man,"
My response to all of them was a middle finger in their stupid faces.

I also kept getting told that I should apologise to the students and teachers who'd I'd 'traumatised' with my fire. Of course I gave them the finger as well. The only person I apologised to was my mom. She'd raised me all by herself and she'd done her best to raise me right so she immediately blamed herself for my love of lighting things on fire. I quickly assured her that it wasn't her fault though and promised her that I'd try and get better, for her.

I was only partly lying. True, it wasn't her fault but I was definitely going to cause as much chaos as I could at this new school. The teachers there might think that they're dealing with bad kids but they hadn't met me yet. I wish them luck.

Word count - 784

A/N -
I hope you liked the first chapter!
I was aiming for 1000 words but this was more of an introduction to the situation so hopefully every chapter from now on will be around 1000 words :)

Thanks for reading!

Have an amazing day/night!

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