Special Night

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Rhyley's Pov:

I was still in shock from earlier. Im also a tad bit nervous. I was planning on telling Ralph my feelings for him tonight. It made me sick to my stomach to think of the what If's but I couldn't help it.

My thoughts were interrupted when my sister walked in my room.

"Ew dont tell me your wearing that" Gianna say with a playful disgusted look on her face.

"What... no of course not" I say scratching my neck looking down.

We both laughed as she searched through my closet for something for me to wear. She picked out 3 outfits and I said no to all 3.

"Don't ever say you don't like Ralph cause anit no way your trying to impress somebody you don't like" Gianna says as she finds the perfect outfit.

"Ouu yess Gia thats perfect" I say cheesing hard.

Gianna was always was the better sister when it came to dressing.

1 hour later~

Im sitting in my room as I wait for Ralph. Within 10 mins he knocks on my door. I go to open it and It was like I met a celebrity the way my heart was beating. He looked so handsome as he just smiles at me.

Ralph's Pov:

I go knock on Rhyley's door. As she's opening the door Im fixing my collar. I look up and my mouth flies open. She looks so beautiful. Its like at that moment she left me speechless so all I could do is smile.

"You ready Miss Jackson" I asked as I put out my hand for her to take.

"More than ever Mr Tresvant" she says taking my hand and blushing causing me to smile even harder.

Ralph took us to a fancy restaurant. We sat and ate. It was honestly never a dull moment with me and Ralph. He had me laughing the whole time. He even was a gentleman and paid for everything. Even though I didn't want him too he got me to cave in.

Ralph's Pov:

As we were almost to the place I asked Rhy Rhy to put a blind fold on. As she's blindfolded I walk her up to the place and and take her blindfold off.

Rhyley immediately started breaking down crying. I just hold and rock her.

Rhyley's Pov:

Ralph took my blindfold off and all I could do was break down in his arms. He took me to the park. It wasn't just any park its very special to me because this was the place I last saw my brother. I remember that day like it was yesterday. We spend the whole day here having a Picnic. He took me to the swings and we looked at the beautiful stars. We would occasionally come out here before he got killed a few years back.

" I wanted to take you here because I know how special it is to you and I want you to know how much I really care about you" Ralph says as he points under a tree

Under the tree was a picnic set up with candles and all my favorite fruits and sweets. We walked over and sat down. Ralph stood up and all of a sudden I start to hear guys humming. I look behind me and saw the rest of the guys with matching suits.

I look back at Ralph and started smiling.

Ralph started to sing "Lost In Love" off New Editions newest album.

Would you love me....When nights are cold.....Would you love me...When I grow old.....Would you care.....When living's not easy.....Take me by surprise......And say you're there......Would you love me......Give me one more chance.......Would you love me.......Try and understand.......Would you share......A life that is music.......Show me in your eyes.....That you'll stay with me tonight......
Later that night~

As me and Ralph are walking the park holding hands I stop him infront of the river view.

"Ralph I have to tell you something" I say with a nervous look on my face.

"What is it"Ralph says looking worried.

"Im nervous as shit right now but Im going to just say it. Ralph I like you, I've been having feelings for you ever since I first saw you doing karate in the OP outside for Zena" I say now feeling at ease but have my hands over my face.

Ralph takes my hands off my face and grabs them.

"Rhyley I dont like you" he says as my hearts drop.

Right before I began to walk off In tears he kisses me.

"I love you Rhyley. I've always loved you
But there's something I have to tell you." he says.

Ralph and I sit on a near by bench and we started looking at each other with nervous looks.

Ralph's Pov:

"I have to tell you something and you might get upset" I say as she gives me sign to continue talking.

"Well a few weeks ago Brooke came and told us that we going on tour" I say.

"Thats great Rizzy why would I be mad, yall doing a local tour right" she asks.

"Thats the thing, Its a worldwide tour Rhy" I say.

"When do yall leave" she asks

"In a week" I say looking down

Rhyley looks at me and she starts to tear up. I pull her in a hug and kiss her forehead. I know she's happy for us but the thought of us not being there must worry her.

"Rizzy Im so proud of you guys, of course I'm going  to miss yall but just promise you won't forget about me." She says

"I promise" I say.

"But now that I've told you I can finally get my answer to this question. Rhyley will you be my girlfriend" I asked her and she didn't hesitate to say yes.

I picked her up and started to deep kiss her. I stopped myself before it went any farther. I was just glad to finally have the girl of my dreams.

"Come on, Its getting late I better get you home" I say as we hold hands

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