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Here, you can choose maximum 3 roles! Don't wanna pressurize, you know?


They are the second in command with me as the founder, and they must require quite good management and organisation skills since at the beginning, the community's probably gonna be much of a messy turmoil till the point where we divide people into groups. 

1st- manages the musical section
2nd- manages the artists
3rd- manages our youtube channel 


1st- in musicians' section
2nd- in the artist' section

Hm, now we don't wanna work without passion and fun, eh? And me here being an ambitious person and less of an entertainer, I need events and its manager. So, make sure to have enough melodious humours;)


Well, finding artists(the musicians) here is gonna be a tough job, so I really need people to help me bring this book out to those hidden underrated talented people and bring them here!


Are you a person who might have a bit problems in bringing in the plot in verse, chorus etc. but can write quite well-structured sentences for the songwriting field ? 

Okay, now we are surely aware of the editors with knowledge of plot flow, story accuracy, grammar, punctuation etc. But is there any song editors? Who are not first class in songwriting or melody making but rather the one who has a good taste in music and judging em? Plus being able to bring a bit changes to the song that would pave the way for it's success? 

Well, this is the job for you!


Now, we don't need any brief summary for this label, right? 

𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖘(0/12)

Hm, here. Are you a person who is having difficulty in finding the proper lyrics and instrumental skills for your melody/tune? Then choose this role, and wait for your future songwriting partner to help with it! And you should know that you would also be helping the songwriter to find awesome melodies and tunes for his/her song as well. And yes, your melody would be turned instrumental with the guitarists or pianists.


Hm, quite a pro guitarist with -well say, lacking of cool tunes or lyrics? Come right here and you'll soon see your band.


Well, what can I say here? Having problems with beautiful tunes and lyrics but the playing the piano is a cup of tea? Well, you know what to do.


Not melody, but lack of stack of lyrics, eh? 

𝖇𝖊𝖆𝖙 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖘(0/12)

Why don't you hop in and help the fellow songwriters and musicians with your awesome beats?

𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖕𝖍𝖎𝖈 𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖌𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖘(0/6)

Hm, here your work won't be creating pieces of book covers, banners or aesthetics only, but thumbnails for our future best bands for our youtube channel. And you will have your own payment done(not money lol), but by the bands who choose you. And they might even want aesthetics for their characters in songs! And yeah, you will be working solo. Also, don't worry, I don't choose only the pros.

𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖙𝖚𝖇𝖊 𝖛𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖔 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖘(0/8)

Hm, now this would be a time-consuming job for ya. But you know it's worth it when you get those pretty magnificent credits and payments. Here, you have to make videos for the songs that would be in our youtube channels.


This should be easy. The ones who are good at songwriting, instrumental music but quite not that much of a pro in singing can take the singer's help! And vice versa!


Okay, *me taking a deep breath* here here here. As I said, once I get enough members, I will divide 'em into bands of 2-5 members, according to their wish (I know a shitload of work). Then  to help get their works- as in songs recognised, I'll post them in my youtube channel-which would be the first step-to each of yours' success highway. Hm, but later, once you believe you have crossed the beginner or intermediate level and want to create your own youtube channel- then that is up to you. But first, let's not jump to the last step already?

And only the manager of the youtube channel will be allowed to help with posting the videos.


Hm, so mentioned before, me and my brother are also in need of some particular members and we will choose judging each of their's work- and I would say that's the only promotion thingy here!


Solo workers-

Graphic designers
Youtube video makers

Working in bands-

Melody Makers
Beat Makers


Now, what can all of you gain with each role? 

SOLO WORKERS(Excluding entertainers and managers)
-You can ask for any sort of payment from each member of the band who placed an order which has to occur in either discord or wattpad, with no money involved. (ofc not, me just  exaggerating)

-permanent follow from each of the participants (*wink wink* you deserve it)
-any R4R, V4V, C4C with any of the participants, including me.

-recognition, credits for stuff in both wattpad and discord
- follow from my other two accounts and the managers.
-proper team partners you really wished for
-(whatcha suggest next...?)

Any questions or suggestions to make things better in this?

And gonna update the rules and forms tomorrow! 

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