[Deidara x Reader] An Old Friend [1]

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[name] had missed him. She missed him a lot. After learning that her childhood friend had become a rogue ninja and went off to join the Akatsuki, [name] was determined to bring him back.


"Deidara-senpai~!" Dear lord.

Deidara slowly turned to see a big, orange lollipop yelling his name in his high-pitched voice and dashing towards him. Before he could run, he was tackled down by the walking lollipop and sprawled out ungracefully on the floor.

"GAAH-!! Tobi! get the @#$% off me! Un!" Deidara yelled.

"Ahahaha… Sorry, senpai." Tobi answered sheepishly. He jumped off Deidara and started running around; afraid that Deidara would go after him for pushing him down.

"So Tobi, what do you want? Un."

Tobi turned to look at Deidara for a second after hearing him talk regularly. Oh well.

"Leader - sama says we have a mission at the Hidden Village of Stone!"


"And we have to capture this girl to use her for Akatsuki!"


"And she has [hair length], [hair color], [eye color] eyes and is a kunoichi, plus a medic!"

"Ok… So when do we start-"

"NOOWWW!!!!!" Before anyone could anticipate, Tobi grabbed Deidara's arm and dragged him head-on. Deidars's most likely going to kill him afterward.

[Deidara x Reader] An Old FriendWhere stories live. Discover now