Before the maze pt 1

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Third person

Y/n had just been taken by WCKD and was put in a train with other kids. She was sat between another girl and a boy.

"What's your name?" The girl asked Y/n. Y/n looked up from her lap, her feet were swinging back and forth since she couldn't touch the ground.

"I'm Y/n." She spoke softly. Y/n tried to get a good look at the girl. It was difficult because of the passing light. "What's yours?" She whispered.

"I'm Deedee." She replied. "We can be friends." Deedee put out her small hand for Y/n to shake. The girl lightly smiled then shook Deedee's hand. Y/n turned to the boy next to her. He was looking around the box they were entrapped in.

"Do you have crabs?" Y/n asked the boy. He turned to face the girl.

"What?" He questioned.

"Do you have crabs?" Y/n repeated. "My dad said boys have crabs and that's why I should stay away from them." She explained. The little boy shook his head innocently.

"No, your dad's a liar." He said.

"Maybe, he's dead now so probably." Y/n shrugged.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.

"Y/n." She replied. The boy nodded.

"I'm Minho." He said. Y/n nodded her head then zoned out looking at the ceiling.

"Minho. Minho. Minho. Minho." She repeated under her breath.


"You two will be staying here. Call out if you need help at anytime." A woman with the name tag "Ivy" said. She waved bye to the two little girls as she closed the door.

"What now?" Deedee asked Y/n. Y/n shrugged looking at her.

"I call top bunk!" Y/n exclaimed climbing the metal bars. Deedee sighed then went to the bottom bed.

"You can have it." Deedee said. Y/n looked at the room she was assigned to.

The shape of the room was square. It wasn't a big room, just enough for two little girls. It had dull grey walls and concrete floors. The light source came from a skylight and a lamp on a desk. There was one long desk that was built into the wall with two metal chairs. There was one navy circle rug in the middle of the room and a dresser on the wall opposite of the door. Above the door was a built in digital clock that as of that moment, read 5:46. On the desk, lay a stack of drawing paper and two boxes of crayons.

"D'you wanna draw?" Deedee asked out of boredom. She sat at one of the desk chairs and got a piece of paper. Y/n quickly climbed down the bars cautiously and sat in the other chair.

"Okay." Y/n said. Deedee passed her a paper and one of the crayon boxes. "What are you gonna draw?" Y/n asked.

"A tree." Deedee replied not looking up from her paper.

"Okay. I'll draw..." She searched her mind for things to draw. "Oh, I can draw a sunset." Y/n said.

Y/n then began to draw a squiggly blue line across the middle of her paper. She filled in the bottom half with blue. Then she got a yellow crayon and drew a half circle above the ocean and made rays coming out from it. For the background, she grabbed a light blue crayon and shaded in the rest. As a final touch, she drew two wide M letter shapes as birds. When she held up the paper to see the final product, the door opened. Y/n and Deedee swing their heads to see who it was and saw Miss Ivy.

"Hello Miss Ivy." The girls greeted in unison.

"Hello girls. Are you two hungry?" Miss Ivy asked them. As if on cue, both Deedee and Y/n's stomachs growled to which they immidiately nodded their heads. Miss Ivy let out a chuckle the opened the door wider. "Here, we can go to the lunch room then you guys can meet more friends." Y/n and Deedee slipped off the cold metal chairs then followed the lady.

Minho x Y/n ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now