a/n: welcome!

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Good morning, afternoon, or evening to you! Somehow you've stumbled across my very first breddy fic! (Bear the words "very first" in mind.)
I sure hope you practiced your 40 hours before this, cause this is gonna be a very long (and bumpy) ride.

I'm not going to be updating on specific days of the week/month, rather, I'll be updating once a chapter has been finished and edited thoroughly (which can take anywhere between 1-3 weeks.)

Feel free to point out any spelling or punctuation errors via comments!

Disclaimer: This is fictional, Brett and Eddy are their own people entirely.

(Brett and Eddy, please don't read this, thank you. Besides, you both could be practicing right now instead.)

Sit back and enjoy!

(love)birds of a feather Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon