"Listen", she tried again. "It's late. Whatever you have to say, can be said tomorrow. I am tired and I would like to catch some sleep. Please go".

Instead of answering her, Neel stalked towards her. The sight of her freshly washed body wrapped only in a bath towel was his undoing doing something to him. Manjari's eyes widened when she saw him come closer. An unfamiliar yet familiar sensation settling in the pit of her stomach

"Stop, ", she heard herself say, "I mean it...do not touch me...". But Neel paid no heed to her and kept walking with a single minded intent. Manjari took a few steps back but did not have much room to maneuver as she found herself backed against the wall. When he was close enough, he locked her in with his arms framing her in. Manjari felt her blood rush to her ears and her breath came in shallow gasps. Before she could say anything else, Neel reached for her, putting his hand on the back of his neck, kissed her first lightly, then more urgently, his tongue in her mouth, his hands now on her hips, her breasts against his chest. He easily blocked all her attempts to free herself form his grasp. He had been starved of her, of her body for so long that even if he wished to, he could not have stopped himself. He kept kissing her, his hands and iron-hold making sure that she did not escape till he had his fill of her.

"Let me go", he heard her say again.

"No", he replied vehemently, pausing to catch his breath in between kisses. "I have been so patient, so careful with you...I did my best to not rush things or put too much pressure on you...give you as much space as possible...not because I am guilty of anything but because I wanted you so much, missed you so much that I was scared that you would run away again without leaving a word or giving a chance for me to explain".

Manjari stilled and Neel knew that he had her full attention . His hand slipped to her forearm, his eyes taking in every expression on her face...months of anguish finding an outlet in his words. He knew there were no chances of getting back with Manjari. He had thought a lot about what she had said that fateful day...and one thing stuck out..she had not trusted him or their relationship. The one time he had needed her to stand up for them, to not listen to anyone, to trust him wholeheartedly, she had folded like a deck of cards. It was clear that she did not feel enough  to fight for them. Disappointment and hurt had filled his heart when he had reached this conclusion. Maybe she just was not ready for any of it and he should have seen that. Maybe she would never be ready for a relationship again. Even now, her entire body was ready to take flight. He cupped her face and forced her to meet his gaze. For a few moments, he was lost in her eyes again but then he let her go and took a few steps back... "I have one thing to say to you. And only one thing. I DID NOT CHEAT ON YOU...Reeza is nothing to me...but you...you were ...are my world. I am sure that you do not believe me but you should know...you are the air I breathe...I loved you, love you and will continue to love you". He waited for her to say anything but if possible, he felt her body withdraw even more. His heart broke into a million pieces as he turned and walked away. He had lost her again. Maybe he never had her....

Manjari heard him walk away as she struggled to steady her breath...his  His words had stung her so much...Unconsciously she licked her lower lips, feeling his essence on them. She shook her head to clear the haze around her but the pain in his voice continued to reverberate aroudn her. What if she was wrong about all of it.....she touched her cheeks, remembering his touch, the intensity of his eyes and licked her very dry lips again.

Manjari made her way to her vanity and sat down heavily on the footstool. Neel hadn't said much but he had given her a lot to think about. She moisturized her body and began to blow dry her hair, lost in thoughts of what had just happened. She was almost done when she heard her door open again. It was Neel. Again. Before she could day anything, he pointed to his phone on her bed. He made his way to grab his phone and turned to leave when his eyes met Manjari's again. She looked ethereal, her hair flowing down her back, her face glowing. Before he could rationalize his actions, he let his phone drop on the floor and made his way to her again.

Neel had been standing in the doorway for a while and looking at Manjari. He had come to take back his phone again, regret and disappointment still crowding his heart- he'd never get close to her now...how he wished to fold her, hide her inside of him, and never let go. Anything to not have to leave her, anything to fill the gaping hole in his heart. Something had snapped in him when he saw her touch her cheeks, lick the lips he had kissed seconds ago. He knew he had to have her...even if it was to be for the last time. When he looked at her enthralling beauty, his steps involuntarily made their way towards her. He filled her in his arms again, his hand threading through her hair again as he kissed her again, but with a gentleness that made Manjari quiver and tear up inside. He was here to say goodbye...she felt it in every pore of her body and instinctively her arms went around him...she didn't want him to go. She raised her head to look at him as the pad of his thumb brushed her cheeks. What was going to happen next, was decided in that one moment

Neel gathered Manjari in his arms and lay her down on her bed , his hips on either side her and began to unfastened her bath robe, not that she was fighting him or anything. She was just looking at him, an indecipherable emotion in her eyes . He easily eased the bathrobe down her shoulder freeing her breasts. He let his hands slide over them, feeling their weight in his hand...they still fit beautifully in his hands. He sighed, eyes shut, thinking about how unbelievably good it felt. Holding her face in between his hands he whispered, "Look at me."

God! she was beautiful. All fire and burning passion. He rolled on to her side,as he removed his clothes. He slid his other hands down her her legs, positioning fingers and thumb over her entrance. He nuzzled against her, his lips on her neck, nibbling and kissing his way up to her earlobe, where she'd always been ticklish ,concentrating on the feel of her, her heady scent...safe to say...he was drunk on her.

Manjari bit down a sigh of pleasure when Neel kneaded her breast, when his hands went down her legs, when he felt his fingers there. She clamped her thighs as tightly as possible despite the fact that all the muscles in her thighs and belly and bottom were tense and quivering.

"Let me g..". "No", said Neel, cutting her off. "Not today"

Before she could say anything else, he slipped inside her in one fluid move. Both groaned in unison at the intimate contact. After the first thrust he had to hold still, knowing that if he kept moving, if he gave himself up to the exquisite tightness, the heat, he would explode. He wanted her to come at least once, with him, for her to remember how good they were, how amazing they were and could still be.

He reached down and stroked her cheek, then her hair and plunged inside her, deep into that maddening clutch, that heat. Manjari moaned, her hands locked onto his shoulders, her breath against his face, her eyes rolled signalling that she was equally in throes of passion.

"Amore," he gasped as he kept thursting in her, feeling his release coming, whispering her name over and over, like a chant, or a song, or a prayer.

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