"Miss Malfoy. Headmaster's office now. You'll wait in his office until the games over-" Snape spoke.

"Can't I just wait here? My boyfriends about to play. I can't miss it." I spoke.

"Headmaster's office." Snape spoke and stared at me.

"He never said when." I muttered.

"NOW!" Snape snapped.

"Okay. But it was the boy's fault!" I protested.

"He'll be in trouble too-" Snape began.

"TOO?! I'm getting in trouble? This is ridiculous." I spoke while walking down the steps.

៚ ⋯⋯⋯ ˁᱸᲲᱸˀ ⋯⋯⋯⋯ ༄

"Miss Malfoy... why is it when theirs a conflict in Slytherin you are always involved?" Dumbledore asked.

"Honestly sir, it was hardly my fault." I spoke.


"I'm right next to you. Don't yell. Secondly, I did that for a good reason." I spoke.

"And you punched my face." He spoke.

"You asked for it." I responded.

"Learn to control your temper!" He spoke.

"Learn not to talk about other's family problems." I spoke.

"What exactly happened? All I saw where two Slytherins bickering." Dumbledore spoke.

"Well what happened-" We both started explaining in unison.

"One at a time." Dumbledore spoke.

"So what happened-" I began.

"Hey! Why does she get to go first?" The boy spoke.

"Because you started it and insulted me! You're going to twist the story." I spoke

"Your a Malfoy. You always change the story." The boy spoke.

"So not true!" I spoke.

៚ ⋯⋯⋯ ˁᱸᲲᱸˀ ⋯⋯⋯⋯ ༄

"Miss Malfoy, a weeks detention." Dumbledore spoke.

"This is ridiculous." I spoke.

"Miss Malfoy-" Dumbledore began.

"FINE!" I spoke while getting out and slamming his door.

"Hi Mal-" A Slytherin began.

"Shut up." I snapped.

"Okay." She muttered. I walked up to the boy.

"If I see you out of Hogwarts you are so screwed!" I snapped and walked away. I walked into the common room and saw my friend group.

I sat down next to Blaise and put my head on his shoulder.

"Do we ask-" Goyle started.

"Shut up." I spoke staring at the fire

"Did you see Slytherin win?" Blaise spoke.

"No. I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Where were you?" Blaise asked.

"Headmaster's office." I spoke.

"Why?" Blaise asked.

"Y/n punched a guy twice, poured a drink on him, shoved ice in his pants and yelled at him, threatened him-" Draco began.

"You make me sound mean." I muttered.

"It was funny." Pansy spoke. I smiled.

"I'm only saying what happened." Draco spoke.

"Yeah well you say it like that I sound mean. You have to give the whole story. He asked for all of that." I muttered.

"Y/n-" Draco began.

"Shut up. I'm tired." I spoke.

"I'm tired." Blaise spoke.

"Yeah so everyone shut up." I spoke and closed my eyes.

"From what Y/n?" Draco spoke.

"SHUT UP!" I spoke.

"If you want peace and quiet then go to your dorm." Draco spoke. I groaned and got up.

"Bye." I spoke. "Anyone wakes me up you're dead." I spoke and left the common room.

Luckily, holidays are near!

A/N: This chapter is a bit short but I hope you all enjoyed it at least.

okay so some people asked for smut now I don't know if you guys were serious or not but I've never written smut before so I feel like it would be cringey but if you guys really want smut I'll try writing some.

Key word: try

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