part 54

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leon: fuck you mean you missed your period ?

tori: idk leon (stands up) ..

leon: how late are you ?

tori: two weeks.. well almost two weeks

leon: so -

tori: look leon , i don't want to talk about it can you just take me home?

leon: why you wanna go home ?

tori: she told me to get out apparently she don't want me here

leon: nah just lay down she just mad

p is ease dropping on their conversation

p: pss... pss

ari: girl what ?

p: shhh and come over here

ari: *whispers* what ?

p: gir- (leon opens the door)

leon: *🤨*

p: oh um i was just about to knock on the door

leon: oh wassup ?

p: *taps ari leg because she didn't know what to say"

ari: oh um i needed your keys i think i left my charger block in your car

leon: oh let me get my keys *handed keys to ari*

ari: thanks

p : *whew*

leon closes the door

p & ari walks out and goes outside

ari: alright so bitch what happened

p: alright think soooo when i was going to the bathroom i over heard leon and tori talking so you knowing me i stopped and listen bitch she said she's two weeks late..

ari: two weeks late what ?

p: period two weeks late

ari: so hold- ouuuuu bitch you're lying, they really ain't friends no more ?

p: girl wtf you talking about ?

ari: shannon and roxy they was best friends wtf

p: uhh i'm talking about

ari: shhh "stfu" *as she mumbled*

p then turns around and see leon and tori coming

ari: "whispers" i'm trying to change the damn subject i seen them coming

p: oh...

leon: aye ari you found it ?

ari: found wh- oh no , i probably put it in my book bag some where i'll find it though , but uh here you go "handed him the keys"

p: leon where you about to go?

leon: finna take her home

p: okayy

ari: what happened ?

1 hour later

i'm about to switch this book up, enjoy !

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