"Could I make a quick call?" I managed to speak without stuttering, I had subconsciously said that, not really paying attention to my own words until I pulled out my phone, going to my contacts. Sasuke nodded at me, leaning against the vehicle behind him. I didn't have but five contacts in my phone: Hinata, Sai, Iruka, and Kurama. So finding his number was easy. I call him and wait for him to answer.

*on the phone (Naruto : left; Iruka : right. [] is for talking on the phone)*


"Hey, it's me."

[Oh, Naruto! How are you? You're on your way home from school, right?]

"Actually, no. I'm still here. I wanted to ask you something." I turn around to the right, my side to Sasuke.

[Sure! What is it?]

"So, there's a project me and the new student at school are doing. However, the project requires us to stay the night at one of the others house."

[And you want to know if you can go over there, is that right?]

"I wanted to know if it was me who was staying a night or my partner."

[Got it. Well, we don't have any guest rooms. The only rooms here are mine, yours, and your brother.]

"And he can't stay in his room while he's touring." I hold the bridge of my nose, sighing.

[Are you okay with staying a night? It's fine I'd you can't or don't want to, we can find another way for your partner to stay here.]

"No, it's fine. But, I'm gonna need my things, so..."

[I'll bring you a bag of clothes to stay the night. How long will you be staying?]

"Well, it's Thursday, so...Friday, then the weekend." I hear something drop on Iruka's end, making me worry a bit.

[Are you serious!?]

"Yes, is something wrong?"

[Well, uh...I'm going to need the address of your partners house so I can drop off your things.]

"Okay. Anything else?"

[Well, let me think....]

I wait for his reply, turning back to face Sasuke. He gives me a thumbs up, then down, signalling that he's asking whether Iruka said yes or no. I put my hand flat, shaking it a bit to show that it isn't yes, but isn't no either.

[Okay. I'm also gonna need your partners mom or dad's number. You know what? Make that both]

"Okay, one moment."

I put myself on mute so he cant hear my conversation with Sasuke. "What is it? Does your mom or dad need something?" Sasuke asking that made me think of my parents. Yeah, a hospital. Why? If they don't make it, then a casket. I think to myself sarcastically. "My dad, and yes. He says he needs your parents numbers, along with your address."

He looks at me, then, as if something in his clicked, he said, "So that means you can stay over?" I think for a second before replying. "Yes, but only if I tell him your parents numbers and your address. He needs to bring me my stuff." He turns around and opens the door to the car behind him. "Hey, Itachi! Can you give me your phone real quick?" Huh? So his dad picks him up from school?

The New Kid (Sasuke x shy/innocent Naruto)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα