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We all in Vanessa's ship as we sailed finally on the edge of the dock, then we walked out of there and went into poto Roso

Daniela and Renzo looks around then looks to the dock sees us me, Alberto but didn't know who are they behind us

"Luca!"Daniela runs to me as she hugged me tightly I smiled then hugged my mom back

"We are  so worried where have you been?!"She cried looks at me " don't worry mom I'm
Fine."I said even I looked back seesVanessa and Jason as they both smiled nodded I smiled back

"Who are they?"She asked as she eyes at me
"Mom, they my new friends Vanessa and Jason."I introduce to them as they both waves at Us as my mom waves back and smiled

"Thank you so much to bring my son back home."Daniela said eyes at Vanessa and Jason

"Your welcome Ma'am."Vanessa said nodded eyes at her smiled "is my pleaser."Jason smiled eyes at them "please do not run away like that again."Daniela said eyes at me as I nodded

"I won't....not this time."I said promised as she smiled hugged me again as my dad watches then walks over there and hugged all of us there until another felt hug is alberto as I watched I chuckles a bit

"I love you guys too!"Alberto said while hugged us three as I smiled watches alberto while I hugged my parents as we release the hug eyes at them

"How about all of us come to dinner ey?"Renzo said eyes at Vanessa and Jason as they nodded smiled "that would be lovely."Vanessa said smiled  "alright let's go gets some food!!"Jason walks ahead I chuckles watches him then eyes at alberto

"I have fun."alberto said smiled as I blushes but smiled back "me too...ey at least we get back home safe no more bad guys sticking around."I chuckles as he chuckles too nodded

"Yea, Well let's go have some dinner with our family and new friends."Alberto said as I nodded as he putting his arm around my neck then walks ahead I hugged him while walking, as my parents and Vanessa and Jason walks ahead to get some dinner and talked about what happened today...

even they didn't seem mad at us but they surprised even though I didn't get hurt or at least lost even with Alberto my boyfriend......

and make some new friends finally stayed at my hometown we never far away but they live close and hopefully adventure would come to the end as soon finally we made it home safely and  new adventure chapter adventure would come

We all looked at the sea with Vanessa and Jason sailing into the ocean looks at the sun together with alberto watching new adventure as just the beginning...........,..


Luca's Return | Disney & Pixar's "LUCA" fan-fiction| Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin