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While we sailed off to going back home, I knew this was a great adventure we had, meeting new people, new friends, well except Giulia was the first, but two new more friends and helping us to get home

I looked over at the edge watching the sunset setting down almost night as I sigh, a footsteps heard looks over it's Luca

"Hey."He says softly "hi."I said softly too looked back at the sunset "thanks for saving me back there."Luca looks over as I looks back chuckles softly ruffing his hair "ey, what are friends for ey?"I smirked as he chuckles looks at me then eyes at the sunset too

"So, your not mad that I went off to the ship do you?"He asked to be honest I was kind of but not really.... "Well, no, after you planned about the switching the sword was a best option you got."I said looks over at him, as he smiled

"Well yea, what else I could've done?"he asked as I chuckled softly looks back "well, is night we should head back to sleep."I said looks over at Luca as he eyes back at me

"Don't worry we get home by next day."I said as is smirked as I saw Luca blushes a bit then smiled back as he walks out of there and I followed then sees Vanessa sailing the ship to think Jason already sleeping in bottom deck of the ship as soon we made it down to the bottom deck we found our rooms we booked in

"Hey, Um, Can I sleep with you this time?"Luca asked as he looks down nervously as I nodded then we both went to the room then I slowly closes the door behind us went for the bed

"Well, Goodnight."Luca whispered as he gets into the bed and went to snuggled into my chest as I watched him falls asleep I watched chuckles a bit then turn off the lights and then falls asleep too while I hugged him by his waist and started to fall asleep too peacefully



Is next day, as soon finally made it out of the ocean  as Vanessa wakes up from her sleep then grabs two pots and smirked then she banged them together makes a very loud annoying noises to wake everyone else up

"GET UP IS BREAKFAST!!!"She yelled as the others are in bottom of the deck in their own rooms

"AHH!"Luca shrieks immediately wakes up winded eyes hears the loud banging from the pots "Ugh!, make it stop!!"Alberto groaned while grabbed his pillow putting on top of his own face to avoid the noises, as she stopped from making those noises and decided to go down to the deck of the ship walks to alberto and Luca's room seeing them sleep but Luca is already awake by that noise as Alberto  is still sleeping

"Guys is morning, Plus you almost home."Vanessa said while she gets out of there as Luca watches her then eyes at Alberto

"Fiiiiine."Alberto groaned in annoyance as he gets up yawns and stretches then sigh as eyes at Luca seems to be about to laugh a bit alberto eyes at him in confused

"What is so funny?"Alberto said in tired tone as didn't noticed that his hair is so puffy messed up hair made Luca laugh a bit

"Your hair."Luca pointed his hair as he eyes up seeing his hair all messed up and puffy
"Oh..."alberto mumbles looks then yawns again gets uo and went out of the room and fixed his own hair then walked out as Luca yawns and stretched then lays back down

"LUCA COME ON!!"Alberto yelled from upstairs as Luca winded eyes sigh then gets up and walks out fixes his own hair too then made walk to the upstairs of the ship

"Alright what is for breakfast?"Alberto asked while Vanessa prepared for the breakfast as she putting the fish on the plate gave it to Alberto and Luca front of them

"Fish....."Vanessa said as she sat down then eating her own baked fish Alberto watches her so does Luca

"Uhh..."Luca said in confused looks down at his plate sees a baked dead fish as he slowly grabbed a fork and then stabbed it and picks it up slowly as he eyes at Vanessa to think he wanted to eat it or not

"Go on, is good!" Vanessa said while continues eating her fish as she almost finished the half of it

Luca gulped looks down at his fish then eyes at his fork has a small piece that he cut it with as he closes his own eyes shut then started to eat slowly, Alberto, Vanessa and Jason watches him eating didn't eat a fish before

Luca winded eyes "Hmm! This taste good!"Luca said continues to eat but with his hands this time is faster then it looks

"Ummm...."Vanessa hummed in confused watching Luca eating his fish with his own hands Alberto watches while eating with his fork " eh, is okay he eats like that sometimes."Alberto said looks over at Vanessa as she eyes at him then watches Luca as Jason shrugged

"Okay then."Vanessa said continues eating the fish as she finally finished it and grabs her plate then went to kitchen and wash it and put it into dish washer and walked back, Luca finally finished it as well so does Alberto

As soon finally they finished eating, and she sailed the ship ahead and finally sees the city of potoroso

"Well, is looks like your home."Vanessa said eyes at Luca and alberto

"Finally!."Alberto said looks at the city as he gaged a bit, Luca eyes at him "you okay?"He asked as Alberto covered his mouth but shook his own head then rushes out of there and puked from the edge of the ship

"Uhh....."Alberto sigh looks up "uh what just happen?"Luca asked with winded eyes and disgusted look "Sorry, I kind of sea sick."Alberto said looks over at Luca eyes at him confused "sea sick?"He asked

"Yea, you never heard of it?"Albero asked as Luca shook his own head into 'no'

"Is when you already ate and you get sick into your stomach since the boat or a ship starts moving fast or waves fast and then started to have stomach pain and then yea.... That's sea sick."Alberto explains as Luca blinks "oh.....okay then."Luca said as finally made It to the land

"Well looks like your home already."

Luca's Return | Disney & Pixar's "LUCA" fan-fiction| Where stories live. Discover now