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"Umm, hehe can we excuse us for a minute?"I asked politely as she nodded I immediately grabbed Alberto's arm pulling him out of her hide out, as we both outside i glares while crossed arms looks at him, as he looks at me in confused looked

"What?"he asked, I sigh "alberto are you trying to get us caught again?, what happened if she founds out that we sea monsters!, remember what happened last time?!, we!, i mean YOU showed accidentally to Giulia!"I started to have a argument he looks at me glares back

"Oh look now you listen to me?!, I told you that million times in past before we meet Giulia!, i told you not to go to school but here we go you already went!, and now you don't wanted me to show our secret identities?!"he growls as i glares back looks at him

"Look is not that simple Okay!, I don't wanna her to show our secret Identities!, if she knew about this she would actually kills us for sure!."I argued back as Alberto rolled his own eyes

"That is not gana happened!, we showed Giulia?!, right?!, and we didn't get killed!!"he argued back as i glares "that's besides the point!!, I don't wanna get us killed!, or either get caught again!, sure the whole entire town accepted us who we are now, but I don't know if ANYONE in world is ready for sea monsters yet!" I argued glares looks at him

"Did you listen to yourself?!, you acting crazy!!, Look, we going to show our identities to her and see what happens."he said as we stopped arguing for a moment as the outside is quite for few moments, as I sigh in relief "fine, but if we or some of us get killed is not my problem."I glared as I walked inside back t the house

Alberto watches me leave went inside as we stopped arguing as he sigh as soon alberto went inside too she looked at us in blinks in confused we looked at her

"What?"I asked "are you Teo Okay?, I kind of heard everything outside of the middle of argument."She said as I looks at alberto glares then looks away "is fine... we just... never mind I don't wanna talk about it."I said as I sat down on the couch looks at the window as they both looked watched luca

"Hey Vanessa can we asked you something?"I heard alberto asked her as I look with out them noticed, she looks back to Alberto
"Sure."she replied as alberto took a deep breath and long exhale

"Alright, Umm have you seen any sea monsters before??"He asked while rubbing his own back as i glares even though I don't wanna her to know about our Identities yet but he didn't listen, as I looked back at the window

"Sea monsters?, sorry I don't know or believe in sea monsters."She said as we both shocked she never heard anything of sea monsters unless if we show her our identities to her but I recommend not but alberto wanted to anyway..

"We'll, if you don't think sea monsters do not exist.. then let me show you."Alberto said as he runs out of the house, Vanessa looks over watches him leaves, as I looked watched too but I winded eyes then gets up and runs trying to stopped him but Vanessa followed us both

"Alberto Wait stop!"I yelled wanted to stop him but all of us saw a lake up ahead as I winded eyes then alberto immediately jumped into the water then he transform do the change into a sea monster form I gasp winded eyes, Vanessa looks over didn't see alberto as finally sees a tail lift up above the water as she winded eyes looks and alberto shown his own sea monster form a purple/Blue, Vanessa gasp

"Y-You...a..a sea ... sea monster?!"She said in surprised shock in her face as I watched bite my lip didn't know is going to happened

"Pretty cool huh?"he smirked while swims in the lake as she watches looks "cool?, IS AMZING!!" She said excitement "huh?"I said in confused didn't know what just happened

"I didn't know sea monsters can actually be real thing!!, my father told me stories about it! But mow I see everything!, so you must be one of them!"she said explaining in excitement looks at him I was very confused watched them

"Yeah! It is amazing!, well at least some of them thinks is pretty cool."Alberto said while walks out of the water shakes his body his sea monster form into a human form as she was amazed didn't know he could change a sea monster to a human what ever it want

"What you mean?"she asked as alberto looks at her " well before i came to town, Luca found me and we tried to hide our secret identities to no one because they would kill us, but then after the race, we won!, and the they accepted us who we are!, so yeah that is pretty much it."He explained as she smiled looks at him

"We'll, your form in Sea monster was pretty cool."she chuckles sat down as he chuckles too as I watched in silence didn't know what is happening right now, but I smiled she didn't get scared or throw some of the weapons at him, well at least we have some our side maybe she would be our new friend and come back home as she looked at me

"Are you a sea monster too?"she asked as I winded eyes "Uhh!, what me?! No I am not a sea monster."I lied even though I don't wanna her to see me as a sea monster

"Come on luca, don't lie."Albeeto smirked as i glares looks at him, until he splashed me with water I gasp winded eyes some of part on my face was scales es shown and my half body was shown a sea monster form as Vanessa winded eyes again

"You both, sea monsters?!"She said while her two both hands was on her head looks shock

"Uhhh, hehehe, yeah we are."I added as I awkwardly smile looks at her alberto smirked watches "wow!, I cannot believe both you are sea monsters this is amazing!."she smiled as I smiled back alberto watches

"We'll Yeah, but how are we going home?"I asked as Vanessa hummed trying to figure it o it where to help us finding away home, hopefully she would help on the way home with out any questions.....

Luca's Return | Disney & Pixar's "LUCA" fan-fiction| Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt