Chapter Seventeen

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"I don't care who your parents are! The reason why I'm pissed at you is that you guys carried that baggage by yourself!" Bon growled out.

"Wait a damn minute, so you were just holding a grudge against us because we didn't tell you our family issues!?" I yelled annoyed.

"We could've helped you! That's what friends do!" Bon yelled back at me.

"Do you have any idea how much sooner you should've told us this!?"

"No offense but could you guys shut up so we can actually go help defeat that demon?"

Izumo spoke out, I mumbled a fine as we left the cells and made our way to fight the impure king. We were walking up to where the impure king was spreading in the forest. "So what is your family like anyway?" Shima asked peering over my shoulder as I was walking next to Rin. Rin growled and pulled me closer to his side.

"Oh, they were very nice. My mom and dad that is, we don't speak of my uncle though. Or the rest of my family now that I think about it."

"Why?" Izumo asked.

"Well, my uncle is the impure king. My father had a falling out with him when they were much younger." I said as if it were no big deal.

"Your uncle is the impure king!?" Everyone yelled in unison.

"We're only related by marriage, on my dad's side."

"So why don't they speak about the rest of your family?" Bon asked now curious.

"From what I know, they're all just as powerful demons. Which is why my family status is so high up. Buuut my mom and dad like humans, kinda. They wanted us and humans to be equals."


"Hey Bon, is that him?"

I said smacking his arm to get his attention, he swiftly turned in my direction with an angry look. But followed where I was pointing. "Dad!" His angry expression shifted to a concerned look as he ran up to his father who was laying on the ground. We all rushed up to Bon and his father, Konekomaru swiftly pulled his phone out to call Shura. As Bon talked with his father I was keeping an eye out just to make sure nothing would ambush us.

"What are you doing over here? Aren't you worried about Bon's old man?"

Rin questioned walking up to me as he pointed behind him where Bon and the rest of the group were. I looked over at them and then back at Rin. "I am worried, I'm just making sure nothing catches us off guard." Rin smiled his toothy smile and walked up closer to me. He was about to lean in but someone just had to interrupt. "Rin?" Bon's father spoke out coughing up a small amount of blood. Rin turned around and bent down to his level. "You read the letter?" He asked, Rin nodded. Bon's father then explained to us how to kill the Impure King.

"Hey, guys you might want to check this out."

I said pointing behind me where there was a big mass of goop building up. Everyone looked behind me and their faces showed pure panic. "Guys take care of my dad! Rin, (Y/n) let's go kick some demon ass!" Bon yelled as he grabbed Rin and I's wrists. We matched Bon's pace and ran side by side dodging all the goop that was gathering up. "Kinda funny that I have to kill a family member. Family reunion is going to be awkwarddd." I joked. Bon scowled and rolled his eyes. "Noted, not a joking man." I said aloud.

"Rin since you can't draw your damn sword, (Y/n) you'll have to kill him!"

"Wha- Hey! Don't say it like I'm useless! I can still use my flames!" Rin yelled out.

We kept running through the forest and fought back a lot of the goop as it kept growing and growing by the second. "Yeah, I kinda figured!" I yelled back at Bon. "Hey!" Rin whined, I gave Rin an apologetic look as we kept running by. Once we made it up the hill we shoved our way through some dense bushes and saw the impure Castle. "There it is." I muttered to myself as we got out from the bushes.

"Rin! (Y/n)!"

Rin and I turned around and saw our two familiars on a tree branch. "You guys have to run! The mountain is possessed by a demon and it smells!" Kuro whined. "We know, we have to defeat him." I said petting Kuro on his back, trying my best to comfort him. "Think you guys could help?" Rin asked looking at the two cats, they looked at each other for a second then back at us. "Ok!" They said in unison and transformed into their big cat form. They were right though, it smelled horrible.

"It's dangerous so we'll take you!"

(F/n) said confidently, I fist-bumped the air in excitement and hopped onto her back. "Hop on!" Rin said looking at Bon. Bon looked at us like we were crazy as Rin jumped onto Kuros back. "It's fun come on!" I tried convincing him to hop on. Kuro picked up Bon by his cloak and threw him onto his back. Bon tightly wrapped his arms around Rin which caused me to laugh. "Never thought I'd see the day where Bon was scared of something!" I laughed, this caused Bon to growl and put on his angriest face. "Aww if only I had my camera! Then I could savor this moment, I know our friends would kill to see your face." I laughed some more.

"I'll race ya!" I yelled out to Rin.

"You're on!" He yelled back.

And so Kuro and (F/n) began to run to our destination as fast as they could. Not only to win the race but to also make it in time before the impure king spreads to the village and towns. We made it to our destination in time and began looking for a safe spot to land. "I won the race." I teased. "Only because you cheated and started before we said go!" Rin yelled annoyed that he lost the race. We should've set up a prize for the winner.

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