Chapter 7: Trapping The Innocent In A Cowardly Fasion

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MJ looked to Tony sadly.

"How do we tell her that she's about to walk into the hellfire of New York? That she has to take down Rhino and the new Sinister 6 as well as whoever else Norman has lined up? And how the hell are we supposed to keep Peter away from this issue? He agreed to let her be a hero under the assumption that the streets wouldn't have the Sinister 6 running around. He's not going to let her deal with his mistakes." MJ sighed and then Sam and Bucky walked in, followed by Steve and Nat.

"I don't think that's exactly going to be an option to begin with. Sharon didn't come here to see if Peter was ok. She didn't even mention his lack of absence. She didn't care about him. She wanted to see Annie. You guys might not know much about the Power Broker's reputation, but we do. I know you don't understand it yet, but you'll find out pretty quick." Sam said this and Tony and MJ turned to him.

"You're right. In fact I don't understand the majority of what you're trying to say to me." Tony replied impatiently.

"The Power Broker either wants power or wants to destroy it. It depends on what that power is and considering the fact that she didn't attack Annie," Bucky started and then Tony finished the sentence.

"She probably wants Annie's powers then." Tony said and Bucky shook his head.

"No. She was here to figure out a weak spot, and according to your security system she may have found it." Nat finished the point for Bucky as Bucky was struggling to say anything.

"Why does she wanna hurt my child?" MJ asked in confusion.

"Probably because she sees her as a threat, or the more likely scenario, whoever she's working for sees her as a threat and Sharon agrees." Sam added and Steve clearly was having difficulty dealing with the reality at hand.

"That means that Annie can't trust anybody." Steve sighed.

"She doesn't need to trust anybody. She knows exactly what everyone's thinking." Nat pointed out and then May came out of Peters room and went over to them.

"We've got a problem. Peter wants to see Annie. I told him that Billy and Annie were out in New York working on protecting the city. He also wants to watch TV and we cant exactly control what he watches so I had to hide the remote. He's already suspicious." May sighed tiredly and nobody knew what to do.

"If Peter finds out about any of this, he'll have another heart attack and he'll probably die." Tony was clearly worried about both Peter and Annie, and he wasn't doing his own health any favors.

"Maybe we can get the doctor to knock him out." Bucky suggested.

"Oh that will go over well when he wakes up." Sam said sarcastically.

"What else are we going to do?" Nat asked and nobody really had an answer.

"I'll go talk to the doctor." MJ sighed and then she walked away. Tony saw everyone staring at him.

"The kid needs her father." Steve insisted.

"He can't help her. We can. She's smart Rogers. She'll understand." Tony disagreed and then he walked away.

The doctor walked into Peters room with a needle and Peter looked to him suspiciously.

"Everything ok?" Peter asked.

"We saw that your protein levels are way too low so this is a little supplement for the time being." The doctor responded and Peter calmed down. The doctor walked away after putting the meds in his IV and then Peter thought he was falling asleep, even though he was being knocked out. Still, he didn't fight it. The doctor walked out of the room and saw everybody watching him. "It's done." The doctor then left. ...

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