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You slowly open your eyes, groggy and disoriented. 

"What the hell...?" You mumble as you try to gain focus on your surroundings. You slowly start to realise you're in a cold abandoned warehouse, and defiantly not in America by the sounds of the voices outside. 

"Ah the princess is awake!" A snide and voice that sounds vaguely familiar approaches from behind you. 

"You're the irritating bitch from my wedding

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"You're the irritating bitch from my wedding...?" You look at her confused, annoyed and angry. 

"My name is Sharron Carter... or as I'm know best in Madripoor... the Power Broker... which your husband and his bird friend are currently on a wild goose chase for.." She flicks her hair and then takes a seat opposite you. Suddenly as your senses come back to you your panic for Bucky and George fill your body, you go pale...

"Don't worry... I don't have your precious son.... Bucky has made him quite safe..." Sharron says bitterly as she sees your worry. You look down at your stomach, its patrooding more than it was before. "Yes, you've been here a few weeks... Bucky is so desperately trying to find you but I keep throwing things his way... oh and that wanna be Captain America... god he's so irritating... but he's been so helpfully keeping them entertained." She smiles pleased with herself. 

"What the fuck is going on here, why am I here?" You try to move but your arms are tied behind the chair your sat on, your shoulders also tied and your legs too. Its a heavy metal chain that holds you in place. 

"I needed the serum to sell to some buyers, the Flag-smashers also need it, we joined forces but unfortunately your husband...who could do sooooo much better btw.."she points to herself..." got to out scientist first and his little prison buddy Zemo killed him... so we did the next best thing." 

"Which is?" 

"Which is, kidnap you and wait for you to give birth to that baby.... then when we have it we can take the bloods and recreate the serum and the Flag-smashers can have a new recruit..." she waves her arms in a 'tada' way and beams at her plan. 

"Over my dead body are you touching my child..." you spit angrily as you try again to escape. 

"Well if we have to... " she says blankly. 

"He'll find me you know.... and when he does you'll be sorry..." 

"Ha... Y/N... he's currently in my apartment thinking I'm helping him in his plan to rescue you... I don't think I have anything to worry about." She stands. 

"Oh Sharron.... you know nothing about Bucky Barnes.... he'll figure you out and when he does I won't stop him hurting you..." You give her a look. You're to tired, weak and worried about your baby to fight her.... but you put on a strong brave face to show her you aren't scared. She looks a bit taken aback by your words as if perhaps she had over estimated you both you see the look of fear before she tries to recover herself. She walks over to you slowly and bends down to your level. 

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