Chapter 6: Betrayal and Pain Break Down The Kind-Hearted

Start from the beginning

"Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Nat are already on it. Right now, we need you here so Peter doesn't suspect anything. I don't think he could take it if he knew. He would probably try to go help her and we would have to tell him why he can't. We have to play this out right." Tony insisted and MJ looked heartbroken.

"What if she's hurt?" MJ asked and Tony nodded in understanding.

"Our best heroes are out there to go protect her. They'll bring her back whether she's hurt or not. Right now, you have to trust me Michelle." Tony insisted and the MJ caved. "Take some time and pull yourself together and then come back into Peter's room. I'll tell him you're getting something to eat." MJ nodded and then Tony left the room........

Annie was in the water and she looked around herself. The suit was waterproof amongst many other things. Annie thought about letting herself run out of oxygen, but then she felt responsibility flood her and she swam up to the surface as she pressed for her mask to go away and she took a massive deep breath of air. Annie then felt blood running down her face pretty heavily. She felt her head and felt a massive cut. While her suit was bulletproof, the mask was not. The bulletproof mesh proved to be too thick to breathe in, so Annie had to go with a non-bulletproof mask. Annie then noticed something unusual a few feet away. She saw a shark fin and then remembered that dogfish sharks sometimes would travel into the Hudson. Annie payed too much attention to the facts and didn't notice that the shark was coming after her blood. She saw the sharks mouth try to bite her chest but it was unsuccessful. Annie then used her super strength to get the shark away. Sadly the spike on the fin of the shark cut deep into her cheek.

With Great White Sharks, Bull Sharks, and more dangerous sharks getting most of the attention, few knew that the rather small, in comparison dogfish's bite was the least dangerous thing about it, but in fact the poisonous spikes on the fin were the worst thing, and even Annie didn't know that much about dogfish sharks. Granted, the poison is very mild and can only be dangerous if not properly cleaned, but the sting on top of the polluted water of the Hudson, was already causing issues. Annie  was in severe pain and she was getting a little dizzy and nauseous.

Annie then rushed to get to the shoreline and when she got there she got back up to her feet, put the mask on and then rushed off to go help wherever the alarm was coming from. Annie landed on the wall of a bank and her hand slipped from the dizziness, but she caught her grip and she climbed into a window and a few feet in she was grabbed by somebody. Annie went to punch them and missed and they punched her in the face. Annie fell to the ground but got back up again and then avoided several other attacks until she was able to successfully punch the guy. Due to her lack of steadiness she punched the guy very hard and it pretty much messed him up so badly that he was on the border of being dead on impact. Annie then stumbled out of the room and went through a doorway and saw six other guys waiting for her. Annie immediately sent a massive spell out, knocking all six out immediately as this revealed her cover. 5 more men ran up the stairs, saw what she had done to the other 6 and started to run for their lives. Annie had to stop for a moment, and luckily she saw a trashcan, pulled her mask on top of her nose and threw up in the trashcan. Then a man who wore a massive metal suit came up the stairs and saw her.

"Aww, little spider is sick. Too bad." The person said in a thick Russian accent. The suit transformed into what looked like a mechanical rhino and started charging at Annie. Annie quickly shot two webs at the ceiling, flung herself up to it, missed the mark by a landslide, couldn't find a grip, dislocated her shoulder on an arch in the buildings structure and started falling back down as she cried in pain. The Rhino hit her head on and Annie was flung into the wall. Annie felt pain fill her whole body and she realized that she had returned to hero work too soon, but it was too late for that realization. 

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