🏳️‍🌈Something New 🏳️‍🌈

481 11 19

Pairing - Loki Laufeyson x Pansexual Reader

Warnings - this WILL NOT the same plotline as my last two Pride imagines, but if you have a uncomfortableness with the LGBTIQA+ just skip this imagine for now!

Mention of self harm

This request comes from Your_Girl_Vivi_

Request (this is a summary) - you have been questioning if you're comfortable in your body and how you actual feel, and soon begin to push everyone away, until Loki finally gets to you. You guys are not dating.... yet....

Again, I am not all well informed on pansexualitly, so tell me if I do anything wrong!!

Also, I tried to get the tomboy style right.  There's emo tomboy, and cutesy tomboy, I didn't know what to do, and I realized that tomboy is the style I'm trying to go for, so I just did what I would like as a tomboy!


You tilt your head in the mirror with a sigh.  Your reflection stares back at you, but you don't like it.  The reflection that stared back at you had glitter covering her eyelids, bright red lipstick, thick eyeliner and thicker lashes.  She wore a bright red and form fitting dress, that seemed a little too short, and showed some cleavage.  Your hair was in shiny curls around your shoulders

You heave a sigh, grabbing a tissues, before furiously rubbing the red lipstick from your mouth. You toss the tissue in the trash, and look at your reflection in the mirror.  You smile slightly, before taking your hair tye and pulling your hair back the best you could into a ponytail.  There.  That was a little better.

You finally make it to the party, and see your friends.

"Hey guys," you say as you approach them.  Nat turns to you and her brows raise.

"Oh... Y/n, what did you do to your hair?" Nat asks.  You blush in embarrassment, grabbing your arm with your opposing hand.

"Um... it was just getting in the way of my face," you mumble.  Nat just nods, before turning back to your conversation with Clint.  You suck in a breath, pinching the skin on the inside of your elbow, trying to take deep breaths.  You really felt out of place amongst all these gorgeous girls.  You looked around, trying to find someone that you knew, but Tony was talking with his fancy rich friends, Wanda was cuddled up to Vision, Bucky, Cap and Sam were talking with a few other guys, and Thor was having a shots contest.  You take a seat at the bar, tapping your fingers nervously.

"Hello, darling," a voice drawls, and you jump, and look to see Loki taking the seat next to you.  You smile brightly at the sigh of Loki, in his sharp black suit with his bright green tie.  Loki was the one person in this Tower who actually understood and got you.  You guys were as close as could be without being romantically involved.

"Hi Lokes," you reply, and he smiles.  He orders a whiskey, before turning back to you.

"You look... nice tonight," he compliments, and you smile, but bite down on your lip.

"You really think so?" you murmur, trying to not blush.  Loki chuckles, giving you a smirk.

"Most definitely," he replies.  You chuckle, before his eyes dart over, and follow a handsome man walking past.  You giggle. Loki finally came out bisexual to everyone just a month ago - you'd known for at least a year.  His eyes follow the brown haired beauty, before he joins a group of his friends. 

Loki Laufeyson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now