🏳️‍🌈Feeling Different🏳️‍🌈

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Pairing - Loki x Lady Loki x bisexual reader (not a threesome)

Warnings - Loki will be genderfluid in this one and change into Lady Loki if that is not for you just feel free to skip over this one

This is a request from lokiszylithty

Request - can you pls pls fo smth with lady loki/genderfluid loki

Again, I am not totally up to date or research a lot about the genderfluid people of the LGBTQIA+ community, I definitely want to learn more about it, so please let me know how I can improve this imagine!

And for requests please just private message me with your request and if you'd like to be tagged or not!

This story follows the same plot line and characters from Secret Identity.

Did some research for makeup/cosmetic brands that support LGBTQIA+ and found quite a few!! Here is the link, and links to buy the products within the website


*not edited


Now that you and Loki out the tower had gotten a bit... como se dice... weird?

You take a yawn, stretching back, before slipping out of bed.  You throw on some socks, and your hair up into a messy bun, before heading out into the hall.  You enter the kitchen and living room and your eyes go wide.

"What the hell happened in here?!" you mumble under your breath.  Pride flags decorated every free space in the rooms.  The flowers on the coffee table were replaced with pride flags, there was a huge flag hanging above the TV, and tons of pride magnets of all kinds decorated the fridge.

"Y/n!! Good morning!" Wanda smiles, coming from the other hallway.  You blink a few times.

"Um... what's all this?" you question, gesturing to the flags and stickers.  Wanda rolls her eyes with a small laugh, before pulling you into a hug.

"Just you wait.  The boys went a little... overboard," Wanda whispers in your ear.  Oh jeez, this would be good.  Wanda moves away to go fix herself some coffee, when you feel arms wrap around you from behind.

"Ack!! Loki, you have to stop doing that," you whine, as he plants a kiss on your shoulder, before nuzzling his face into your neck.

"Can I not surprise my delicate rose?" Loki hums sleepily in response.  You chuckle, turning your head to plant a kiss on your lips.

"Goodmorning bisexual lovebirds!" Tony chirps, coming into the kitchen, followed by majority of the gang.

"You know you do not need to announce our bisexuality every time you see us correct?" Loki says, gritting his teeth slightly.  You giggle, taking his hand before going to sit on the barstool counters.

"But it is fun to see you squirm like that," Tony winks, grabbing a cup of coffee, before sitting at the table.

"What is for breakfast?" you ask, wondering who was making it.

Loki Laufeyson ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora