The trusted one

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All characters  belong  to Abd illustrates


River pov. 

I ran back he was my uncle how thought they said he died did they lie and know he was alive did they think he was dead too? I tried to push it out of my mind, I mean I pushed it farther back but it was still there. Eira and Alchemy are in the same spot they were in I guess they didn’t move my thoughts were cut off when Alchemy said “Who was it?” “It was one of the lower ones so they were easy to take care of.” I lied. “Oh ok, so do you guys want to get the show back on the road?” “Sure,” Eira said while giving me a weird glance. When we start going to the town were supposed to deliver, Alchemy asks out of the blue “What are some fun facts that you guys know? If you guys want I tell you some.”. Since we all had some fun facts, that’s how we spent our time on the way there. When we got there it was a surprise to see that the person we were delivering to wasn’t home but they had a note on the door to just leave the package on their porch so we did that then left. The trip home was fun we talked about new attacks that we had learned or haven’t use yet, it felt like we got home in a flash with all the chitchat that we did.

When we got home I said I was going to go to sleep because I was tired Eira gave me that same bone-chilling glance he did earlier I guess he knew I was lying but that wasn’t what was on my mind at the moment, the only thing I could think about was Dock and him being my uncle. I was zoned out till I was up the stairs and in my room, I just plop on my bed and dive deep into my thoughts, was that really Dock, was that my uncle, was Dock really my uncle. I mean he was always good right I mean he had to be, that's what I remember him being, so he had to be right? He always looked after me, and Brook, he helped me with my crush on Brook, he was always there for me till he ‘died’ right-

*knock knock*

"Who is it" I yelled
"Eira," said a muffled voice say
‘Oh great’ I thought ‘The only one who knew I was lying just great.’ 
“Come in” I whisper sceamed

And with that the door open Eira came in and he closed it. When he walked in I sough that he had some cookies when he sat himself and the cookies down he said ""Hey, I know you've been lying and you don't have to tell me everything but at lest tell me what's wrong bottling up your emotions isn't good, I can't say much though I'm here for you ok" "Ok" I responded as he grabed two cookies from the plate and handed one to me. I wanted to cry I guess Eira noticed because he said “Hey you can let it all out, was it the Jury member that messed with you?” “Yeah, how'd you know?” I asked “That’s when you lied” “Was that why you were giving me that bone-chilling glare?” “Yeah.” he replied “So what's the problem if you’re trying to get off that topic it's not going to work.” “Man I thought it would what a bummer” I joked “Stay on topic,” he said in a stern voice “Ok, ok. The problem is the fact that I think Dock is my uncle” I say “Ohh well did you two talk or anything like that.” he asked “No, I found out because I kicked his mask off and ran.” “Ah well don’t worry I think we can figure something out I’m going to go to sleep and I think you should do the same after you eat these cookies, ok,” He said “Ok” I respond before he leaves

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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