"Bye, Brandon. See you later."

He kisses me on the lips softly for a few seconds,

"Bye, baby. I'll pick you tomorrow for breakfast then drop you home."

"Okay. I'll text you when I'm going to bed."


I can feel a big smile on my face. I feel like I've smiled a lot only today.

"Yeah. Now, go in so I can leave."

I nod,  "Okay." And then hug him just for a few seconds and go up to the door and knock. It doesn't even take five seconds before the door is opened and I'm dragged in. I take a look at their giddy faces.

"You guys totally spied on us, didn't you?"

They nod frantically. I just sigh.

"Don't squeal if not you are not getting details."

I smirk. They nod again and take deep breaths to keep themselves in control.

Lizzie speaks,

"Today is definitely going to be interesting. Jo has been avoiding Chase since this morning. So lots of things to talk about."

I give Jo an uncertain look because why on earth will she avoid Chase? They were all lovey doveys this morning.

"Okay." Jo finally speaks.

Lizzie just waves her off.

"Sure, let's get the food and then off to my room."

And we do as said. We put on a random channel and reduce the volume because we are obviously here to talk and not watch a movie. Maybe we can do that if we are not sleepy when we are done talking.

Lizzie speaks first,

"Sooo, Jo you first."

The blush that takes over her face immediately lets me know that something did happen.

"Yeah. Tell us." I urge.

"Okay, okay. So, yesterday, Leah, you ran off without spinning your own bottle might I add"

She gives me a look and I smile.

"Totally worth it." And we all laugh.

"Go on."

"After then they decided to play another game but Chase and I were not interested, so he signals me to go out with him and I do. And you know how Chase notices everything. He saw I was still slightly drunk so he takes me to the third bedroom and gets me water and locks the door so no horny couple wander in."

We all roll our eyes because that definitely happens in most parties.

"Anyway, I drink the water and I'm thinking, why don't I kiss him now and then tomorrow I blame it on being drunk. I can tell you now, not one of my finest moments. I kiss him just for a few seconds, you know why?"

We shake our heads.

"Get this. I. fall. unconscious." Seconds of silence where me and Lizzie just look at each other and then we both burst into laughter.

Lizzie is the first to respond.

"The hell is wrong with you Jo? You get the opportunity to kiss the man of your dreams and you fall unconscious???"

"I can't even begin to understand how that happened." I put in.

Jo groans, "I know. I can't believe it either and when I wake up this morning. I pretend like nothing happened and I was planning on doing that forever but noooo. Chase just had to come into the room when I was getting my things to leave and guess what?"


She smile like she is reminiscing what happened.

"He grabs my face and kisses me. It was so soft and romantic and SHORT."

I and Lizzie grab each others hands. "Aww"

"Yeah. And he said and I quote, 'you might have forgotten what you did last night. I thought I should remind you."

We wait but she says nothing else though Lizzie got impatient.

"And what was your reply?"

Her face falls.

"Nothing. I ran."

It's my turn to be annoyed.

"You did WHAT?"

"I ran. I don't know what to do."

"You should have stayed and gotten to the end of that kiss is what you should have done."

I pat Lizzie's hand.

"Calm down, Lizzie. I'm sure she panicked. Didn't you, Jo?"

She nods. I continue.

"Tomorrow, get to Chase and talk things out. If he kissed you, it means there's a chance he likes you too. Can you promise to do that for me?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I can do that. Okay, enough about me. What happened between you and Brandon??"

I blush and tell them everything and throughout, there were squeals and awws and laughter and a little tears because everything is finally working out between me and Brandon.

By the time we are done with everything, it's midnight so I take my phone and text Brandon.

Me:  about to sleep. Goodnight, Brandon and I remember I owe you a wish.

Boyfriend: I know, baby. Tomorrow. Sleep well. Goodnight. I love you.

Me: I love you too. Smiles.

And that night, I sleep with a smile on.

My Best Friend and I. (Best Friends series). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now