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reader type: gender neutral
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): fluff
trigger warning(s): none
summary: after iida came back home from a hero mission, you weren't expecting for him to turn into a child the next morning.
word count: 1.3k words



(y/n) = your name


   You were aware that Iida had been hit by a villain quirk today. However, when he came back home from his hero mission that same night, nothing seemed to be different about him. And while you were glad he had no injuries, there was still worry lingering inside of you. That was when you assumed that the effect would settle in tomorrow (and that you were scared of).

   So when you were slowly brought out of your sleep by an unfamiliar voice, you were a little bit confused. Did someone somehow enter your apartment? Because you were sure that you kept all the doors and windows locked before you and Iida went to sleep.

   Instead of fully opening your eyes, you closed them back. You figured this must have been some weird dream. In the meantime, maybe you could move closer to Iida and cuddle him. After all, he had a rough day yesterday, so this might as well cheer him up–

   "(Y/N), sweetheart. Wake up!"

   Okay, there goes that unfamiliar voice again (and why did they call you sweetheart? As far as you were concerned, so far, Iida was the only one who called you that). With the confusion fully settling in, you did not feel like going back to sleep because you knew something was going on. It was not fear that was settling in. It was more of a suspicion.

   Letting out a yawn, you rubbed your eyes before sitting up from your bed. "What? Who's that?"

   The person behind the voice huffed. "I thought you would have recognized me somewhat, but it's me!"

   Seconds passed as the weight on your eyelids was beginning to fade. And now that you thought about it, the voice was starting to sound familiar. You guessed that you did not recognize it since you were not fully awake. But when your eyes fully opened, you were not expecting Iida to not be there beside you.

   Instead, you came across a small child wearing his pajamas (and they were too big on him).

   At first, you tilted your head in confusion. First off, who was this child, and what were they doing in your apartment? And second off, where was your husband, Iida?

   Your eyes squinted at the child as you looked at them in slight suspicion. Meanwhile, they stared back at you. There was also something about them that looked familiar, too (not just their voice). They have even got his hairstyle, his eyes, and his overall appearance. Almost as if it was the child version of Iida–

   Wait a minute.

   Your eyes widened.

   Wait a damn minute.

   "T-Tenya?! Wait, is that you?!" You spoke after seconds (what felt like minutes) of being in shock. Part of you believed that this was part of the dream.

   The young boy nodded and scratched the back of his head. "Y-Yes, it's me," he said bashfully, "As a child, that is..."


   You put a hand on your mouth.

   Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

   More seconds passed. But eventually, you had accepted that this was reality. Although, there were so many things going on in your head right now. Your husband had mysteriously turned into a child; it must have happened last night when the both of you were sleeping.

   You never thought a situation like this would have happened. You were not necessarily bothered by it, as Iida was still alright. Like you knew yesterday, there was no need to treat his wounds or take him to a hospital. Although, you had to wonder.

   "How did this happen? I swear, I heard nothing last night, and you were already fast asleep."

   Iida placed a finger on his chin as he looked to be in deep thought. "This must have been the side effect of the villain that struck me with their quirk yesterday," he inquired. "I could only assume that it took only a few hours for it to settle in, as it occurred between the time that I fell asleep and the time that I woke up. Although it is a bit strange that the villain only did this much to my body,"

   Right. You almost forgot about that. "I mean, at least the villain didn't technically hurt you, right?" you tilted your head.

   He nodded. "Yes, I suppose you are right about that, (Y/N). It is a bit unfortunate that this happened. I have no clue how long I will be in this form before I go back to my normal self!"

   Iida had a point. You knew that. For all you knew, he would have stayed as a child for a month! However, as this was a situation in which you would begin to panic, there was no single ounce of worry inside you. You began to stare at Iida, and it suddenly felt like your heartbeat was increasing.

   Memories were washing over you about the one time you were visiting his family, and his mom was showing you childhood photos of your husband. Ignoring the pleas from Iida, your eyes began to remember seeing the young child in those photos. Oh, how your heart could not take it! He was just too cute to handle! With those bright blue eyes, the big small on his face, how tiny he looked. You swore you were about to cry from the cuteness.

   And the fact that you were seeing child Iida right in front of you instead of just in photos?

   Your instincts came up to you, and that was when you suddenly grabbed Iida onto your lap and hugged him close. He let out a sound of surprise. "(Y/N)?! W-What are you doing?!" he cried.

   "God, you are just too cute, Tenya!" you squealed, rubbing his back as though he needed comfort, "I'm sorry, but let me just hug you for a bit, please."

   "Cute? Darling, I can assure you that I'm not cute! I have no idea where you're getting this from,"

   "Oh, yes, you are! Stop hiding it." You almost had to bite the inside of your cheeks so you would not burst out laughing. Even as a child, Iida still spoke eloquently, as you had always remembered. As much as this was a bit funny to you, you also found it twice as adorable.

   "You know, this might sound bad, but I'm somewhat glad that the villain who hit you with his quirk ended up turning you into a child. You're ten times cuter than before."

   "(Y/N)!" Iida cried out as he pouted, "You cannot go saying stuff like that! And especially saying that you are happy that a villain used their quirk on me! What if it was something much more serious than this–"

   "I know, I know. But still, I could get used to holding you like a child!" you grinned.

   Iida sighed. There was no point in trying to argue with you. He could only think back to the time when his mom was showing you his baby photos (much to his dismay), and you were practically fangirling. Iida was almost starting to wish the mission he went on yesterday did not happen in the first place. So ultimately, he might as well let you hug him for the time being.

   And it was not like Iida did not enjoy the affection, either. No, he loved it very much! Iida even decided to wrap his arms around you and bury his face into your chest. Although, he swore he heard another squeal come out of you.

   After moments went by, you released Iida from your grip, and you looked at him. "Well, how about I make you some breakfast now? I bet you're a bit hungry,"

   As if in sync, Iida felt a grumble coming out of his stomach. You let out a soft chuckle watching him blush in slight embarrassment, and you gently picked him up into your arms. "I guess you are. Alright, let's go!"

  To which Iida smiled softly at that.

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