
1.8K 22 17

genre(s): angst
trigger warning(s): mentions of death, slight mention of suicide
summary: all iida wants is for you to come back home, even though he know you won't.
word count: 1k words


(f/a/c) = favorite anime character
(y/n) = your name


   It was only a few months ago Iida enjoyed coming home from work or anywhere else. Now he hated it.

   Well, hate is a bit of an understatement. Iida loathed it.

   With the keys jingling as he opened the front door to his apartment, the only thing that would greet him was silence as he stepped inside. He had to dwell in the sadness and sorrow as he proceeded to do his routine. Change out of his hero costume, shower, eat dinner, brush his teeth, and then read a book before going to bed.

   Iida couldn't even bear sleeping in his bedroom. Hell, he couldn't even look inside it! It was only a reminder that no matter what, Iida will always be the only person sleeping in it. Even if he could hold your (F/A/C) plushie or the pillow you used as he slept, why would he want to? Did he even want to try to hurt himself emotionally more? No! There was no need for it!

   The most Iida could do was stand outside of his bedroom door and stare off into the distance. Now that he was not at the workplace or a public place, he could finally let his waterworks run. All the sobs and cries bubbling inside him exploded. But this time, there was no one there to soothe his sorrows away.


   Oh, that was simple.

   You were no longer there with him.

   Sure, people say that you can still feel the souls of a person who died. But to Iida, that wasn't the case. He felt absolutely nothing. Well, if you counted emptiness. Then yes, he felt emptiness. It had gotten to the point where Iida felt like the only way to get out of his misery was to join you in whatever place you ended up, so you would be reunited.

   Despite his close friend group and family members attempting to comfort him throughout this time, it didn't work. Nothing made Iida crack at least one tiny smile. There was no longer a reason for smiling without having you by his side.

   But if anything, Iida felt like it was his fault for your passing. He was supposed to be a pro hero. And what do they do? Protect people from danger and prevent crimes from happening! Yet, he could still remember that day the infamous villain attack occurred. You and your friends just so happened to be at the location.

   The chaos that happened, the terrified screams of civilians, so much as happening. Iida gave it all he could to stop the villains from causing more harm. If anything, it seemed as though he was winning! With the help of the other pro heroes, they would be able to arrest the villains and bring them to justice!

   Well, until one of the villains decided to pick you as his next victim.

   Suddenly, Iida found himself unable to move. It was as if someone decided to freeze his entire body. In his ears, there was nothing but the sound of your petrified screams, begging him or someone to help you. Move Iida Tenya! he had screamed internally, For the love of All Might and other pro heroes, MOVE! MOVE YOUR LEGS!

   But he couldn't.

   Instead, he had to watch with his blue eyes widened, and his mouth hung agape as the villain proceeded to use his quirk to end your life. And unfortunately, it was quick. The only thing Iida could do now was to wait for paramedics to arrive as he held your dead body in his arms. He felt his own body shaking as he called your name out multiple times and begging you to wake up. It was evident that you were long gone, but he refused to believe it. You just had to wake up!

   When paramedics arrived, there was nothing they could do to bring you back. And it gave Iida the realization that everything was his fault. If he had not been in complete shock, he would have been able to save you. He failed you, not only as a pro hero but as your boyfriend.

   He was so pathetic, wasn't he?

   If someone like Bakugo were there to tell him how much of a complete dumbass he was, he wouldn't even scold them for insulting him. He knew he deserved it.

   Bringing himself back to reality, Iida found his hand gripping onto the handle of the bedroom door and opening it wide open. Flicking on the lights, he looked across the room. Everything stayed the same as it did before. Nothing moved, nothing removed, and nothing added.

   And on one of the walls was a small collage of polaroids. Hanging above your desk, you and Iida have taken almost all of them through your relationship.

   Iida walked over to the bed and sat down on it, staring at that one wall with his eyes, which was already devoid of its blue color. He looked at the many small items he had bought for you that still stood on your desk. One of which was a miniature (F/A/C) statue Iida bought for you on your birthday. Another was a set of cards with images of your favorite artists (he thanked one of his former classmates, Jiro, for giving him the idea of a Christmas present).

   All of these were the only things that Iida could keep in your remembrance, and he wouldn't dare himself to give or throw them away.

   Taking off his glasses and putting them next to you, Iida buried his face into his hands. "(Y/N)," his voice barely came as a whisper. "I...I'm so sorry, my love. It's only been months since you died, but I know you would still be here with me had I not let that villain kill you. What kind of a hero am I for letting that happen? I've let you down, I know. And I'm sorry.

   "It hurts me deeply to know that you're not going to return. As much as I want that to happen, it won't. But (Y/N)..." Iida felt his body starting to shake, and his eyes were beginning to produce tears. It was a process he'd been struggling with for these past few months, and he had no idea when he'd be able to stop.

   "Please, I'm begging you. Oh goodness, please..."

   Once the river of tears started to trickle down his cheeks, Iida didn't stop to wipe them. He looked down at the floor through his blurry vision.

   "...Come back home."

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