
1.2K 27 4

genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: you just wanted to fall asleep in the arms of your husband, iida. unfortunately, he has a couple of extra work that he wants to finish before joining you to bed, much to your dismay.
word count: 1k words



(y/n) = your name


   Despite your body practically begging you to sleep right now, you couldn't. You just wanted your husband, Iida, to be by your side in bed since his presence usually helped you sleep faster.

   Unfortunately for you, Iida was doing some extra work. Having known him since high school, you knew the type of person he was. Iida always wanted to sleep early to have enough rest for the next day. You sometimes remembered him scolding you for staying up a bit late if he ever caught you in the middle of the night in the dorm rooms. Man, those were the days.

   But it seems as though Iida was a bit of a hypocrite tonight, considering how it was almost midnight, and he was still awake. If anything, you had the urge to scold him for staying up the way he would do the same to you. However, you did not want to think about that right now. You just wanted to get him to crawl into bed with you and cuddle.

   "Babe," you mumbled sleepily (you were surprised you did not fall asleep right then and there), "come on, you've been working for–" you looked at the clock on the wall "–three hours. Can't you sleep now?"

   Iida sighed. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I can't afford to leave this for tomorrow. I would much rather get it done and over with now!" But judging by the tone of his voice, you could hear the stress in it. You had a slight feeling even he did not want to be staying up this late. The only thing keeping Iida from giving up was his determination.

   "You're gonna be tired tomorrow, though," you pointed out, "And besides, you have plenty of time to finish your work by then!"

   "Don't worry, (Y/N), I promise I will get this done as quickly as I can," Iida reassured you.

   Well, that was not convincing. To you, anyways. You had to admit you admired how Iida dedicated himself to his work. However, you did not like that sometimes he would stay up late to finish it. Like right now.

   After letting out a yawn, you pouted. "Tenya, please" you whined, "I wanna fall asleep in your arms now."

   Iida practically felt his heart burst after hearing the begging tone in your voice. He dropped his pen as he imagined you giving him the puppy eyes and hearing you say that sentence again. How was he supposed to resist that (Answer: there is no point in it)? Besides, he could not deny the fact that he also wanted to cuddle you.

   And now that you mentioned it, Iida had been working for far too long. It was unhealthy for him, or any person, to stay up this late! (**). But damn it, he also just wanted to get his extra work done for the night!

   Suddenly, an idea popped into his head.

   Iida turned around in his chair to face you with a smile on his face. A light blush appeared covered his cheeks. Oh, what the hell? You looked so cute just laying there in bed covered in your blankets! Although he was not proud of himself for seeing the bags under your eyes, he knew you were staying up waiting for him to finish up.

   "How about this, (Y/N)," Iida said. "You can sit on my lap while I finish up. That way, you can at least cuddle with me for the time being. Is that alright?"

   As soon as he proposed the idea, your eyes glistened in excitement. "Yes!" you squealed, immediately sitting up from the bed.

   Iida chuckled. "Come here then, love" he patted his lap. Walking over towards your husband, you held onto his shoulders before comfortably sitting yourself down on his lap. As you wrapped your arms around his neck, you rested your head against his chest. "Comfortable?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist gently.

   "Yeah," you nodded, a smile growing on your lips. You were already enjoying the feeling of being in Iida's loving embrace. Not to mention, he also smelled nice. It must have been the shower he took a few hours ago.

   For the next few minutes, Iida continued his work while you cuddled him. By that point, you were no longer fighting the urge to fall asleep. You had to be honest with yourself; you would much rather sleep on his lap than sleep in your shared bed alone.

   The more you thought about it, the more you realized how clingy you could be with your husband. Oh well, at least Iida was not bothered by it! As long as you did not take it too far to the point where you practically clung onto him twenty-four-seven.

   Iida felt like it had taken a long time, but at last, he finished all his work. Now his eyelids were practically fighting him to close shut, and he decided to listen to them. But before he could fall asleep just yet.

   "Sweetheart?" Iida whispered in the case that you were still awake. With no response, he looked down at you only to hear nothing but your soft breathing and. "(Y/N)?" Iida gently tapped your back. In response, you began to snuggle into his chest. A smile appeared on his face. So cute.

   Iida turned off the desk light. Looking at the clock and realizing it was way past midnight now, he gingerly sat up from his chair, kept his arms around your waist to carry you up, and walked over towards your shared bed. Once Iida placed you down, he crawled into bed with you and embraced you into his arms again. "I apologize for causing you to stay up late, (Y/N)," he whispered, caressing your cheek gently, "I promise you that I'll sleep early tomorrow night, okay?"

   Iida knew that you were not going to respond anytime soon, so he did not wait. Instead, he mumbled, "Goodnight, my love," before placing a kiss on your lips and slowly letting his eyes close for the night.

   All the while, a small smile grew on your lips upon hearing those words from your slumber.


(**) somehow, i felt hypocritical writing that line, considering how i sometimes stay up late at night, even during school days when i tell myself to sleep early LMAO 😂 oops! 🙊

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