14: A Harry Pottah Reference.

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J: *stubs his toe on a spike that's on the Clan's climbing boots* OWWWW!!! OWWIE!! *starts crying* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! *starts cursing*

*A few minutes later*

Lucky trying to calm J down: OK OK, but if we buy an abandoned flammable warehouse, and commit arson on it...... no swear words?

J who's already said half of the swears in the english language before Lucky's intervention: Yes!! *nods tearfully before fainting*

Lucky: *picks him up* Welp. Time to go to our abandoned warehouses and commit arson on one of them.

James staying over and registering Lucky's priorities: She really needs to get her priorities straight.

Cho and the other potterheads: *materialize around James floating and T-posing* IS THAT AN INTENTIONAL HARRY POTTER REFERENCE?

James: Y-Y-Y-Yes?

The Potterheads: *start to circle him while chanting one of us.*

Lucky: STAHP IT.

The Potterheads: *Stop it*

Lucky: *Takes J to DA COZY VAN OF DA COZY CLAN to fix his toe* I want us to be at the warehouse before he wakes up.

The council: *teleport to DA COZY VAN*

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