chapter one

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This is a tale that was once told as the truth. Human terms and concepts such as that of distance and time and some other things in most places will be used for the sake of the reader's comprehension while reading.

At the very back of the book is a dictionary of mythical creatures (some already recorded and some that has never even been heard of before now) and also a dictionary of the ancient language (written in bold italics) that will be encountered throughout this tale.

NARRATOR: Long ago in a time before time began, it all began. The world was in great chaos. The keeper of the universe known as The Great Eternal chose the nine most powerful soldiers and bestowed upon them each one power of the nine elements. And so they became known as the Elementals and declared themselves as kings. Each to his own wrote a code to live by and urged others who agreed with them to follow them.

Light - Celestial City - Neos

Darkness - Nox Averosa - Zoku

Fire - Dragonia - Demonde

Water - Pretenders - Damien

Earth - Malagrin - Frazer

Wind - Sherkhana - Sherkhan

Thunder - Oppo-Dorsacera - Latero

Metal - Nacasias - Naiophy

Wood - Military - Azanches

Together they also formed the High Counsel, with Neos at the head, and so brought order and piece to the world that as a collective was know as Dosacera. Over time Zoku became corrupted with power and thought that he should be the head of the High Counsel for his strength was equal but opposite to that of Neos in every way. His desire for power drew him into the depths of darkness and he become evil, a cruel and malevolent king who oppressed and enslaved those of his people who no longer wanted to follow his willingly. He broke free from the order and his kingdom became known as Nox Averosa.

After Zoku abandoned Dosacera, Latero, for some untold reason, also left and his kingdom become known as Oppo-Dorsacera.It was a day in the year that the nine hundred and twenty third Celestial Emperor was about to ascend the throne of the Celestial city - the year of the unicorn and my life was about to be changed forever...


Predonti - Year of the unicorn. Roughly 1320 years after the war that divided the nations.

A house stands at the edge of a town near a forest. The wooden front door of a small house flings open. A girl, out of breath and covered in blood and lacerations hunched in the frame.

On the couch inside was sitting her brother and sister. They leap to her just in time and she falls into her brothers arms.

"What happened."


"Go get mom"

Dawn had just broken over the eastern mountain. A year after the incident.

I was packing again. Getting ready go 'hunting'. That was the official shade for doing things I wasn't supposed to.

There was a faint sigh and I looked up. My brother was standing the doorframe of me bedroom.


"None of your business." I was blunt.

"It is my business if I have to stitch you up again."