"Aww..right..our Nahyunie likes strawberries, so daddy should eat at lot of them!"Jaemin said while picked the adorable Nahyun up in his comfortable arms. Nahyun smiled in his arms.

Chenle who is self proclaimed her favorite uncle ever also smiled at the sight of Nahyun and ran down to pick her up as well. Nahyun happily went to Chenle's arms while Jaemin just smiled and put his arm around his wife again.

Grandma smiled seeing the beautiful scenery from the kitchen. Oh how far each and everyone of them came. Did they know nine years ago that they would come this far? Did Jaemin know that he would be able to find love again and get to marry this girl that loves him with her whole heart and have such a beautiful family? Did he know that he would be able to become a kindergarten teacher as he hoped? Did Chenle know that he would become this successful with his business? Did he know that he would be so happy in life with his work and Daegal even though he hasn't found a girlfriend yet. Honestly no one knew.

As if cue, Daegal ran in from the backyard and stood by her dad.

Honestly after what grandma got to know the day of Jian's csats results shocked her. Jian had come clean about his whole story. All of it was hard to digest. But grandma accepted it slowly but surely. She doesn't regret her decisions of letting him in their life. They all are so happy it's all thanks to him. Jian is so happy and successful in her life it's all thanks to him. Oh right..where is she?

"Hey! Do you all know if Jian started yet? If she doesn't start by now she's gonna be very late!"Grandma shouted.

Jaemin turned around,"Yeah grandma. Taehyung hyung was supposed to pick her up. I think he did and they started already."

"Thank God. Remind them to get tofu! Tradition is tradition after all!"Grandma shouted.

"Yes grandma, I did,"Chenle shouted.

"I think we should get back to the preparations now. We don't have much time left!"Nara said.

"Yes! Let's all get to work again,"Jaemin said with huge smile,"It's a big day today."

A very big one indeed.

"I am done examining. It seems to be that Sparkles has Parainfluenza. But do not worry as it is indeed curable with some antibiotic treatment,"Jian said while gently stroking the cute white puppy,"I have already written down the names of her meds and doses. Please try them for five days, she should be fine. And if she is still continues to sneeze and cough please visit me again."

The boy that had brought Sparkles to Jian kept staring at her thinking about something without replying. Jian was confused so she asked again,"Hoon-sshi?"

He snapped out of his thoughts and looked embarrassed,"Oh I'm so sorry, Dr.Jung. I was spacing out a bit. Can you tell me again?"

Jian nodded and repeated all she had said once again. He listened attentively and was very thankful to get Sparkles checked up. Before he left her chamber he once again turned at her and asked,"Dr.Jung, if you don't mind can I ask a question?"

"Sure, ask away!"

"Umm..Dr.Jung, do you play video games?"

"Huh?"Jian asked.

"I've been thinking that you look familiar now that I think of it, you really look like one of my favorite streamers 'RainyNight'. She always wears a mask but her hair is just like yours and..her eyes too."

Robbing the decade between usNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ