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(Ian and Nina are in their house planning something)

NINA - Ian . I have a plan. We need to keep mom safe.

IAN - I know. Tell me your plan.

NINA - I think we should hide mother at our secret spot. She is in coma. So she wouldn't wake up for a while. We are in danger and we can't put her in danger too.

IAN - You're right Nina. It can't go on like this and we definitely can't risk mother's life.

NINA - We'll come to get her once we're safe.

(Nina and Ian hide Riddhima at their secret spot)

NINA - Now anyone who asks us about her. We have to tell that she's dead.

IAN- Yes and we can't trust anyone.

NINA- We should also get a fake death certificate for proof.

IAN - But if we do that,then they might assign us a social worker and put us in foster care or worse, we might even get separated. We are not 18 Nina.

NINA - I know but that's the only way. Don't worry nothing like that would happen.

(Nina and Ian reach the designated place and everything happens according to Ian's words. Just a little different.)

NINA- Come again? Did you just now say that we have family ? As in our blood relations?

IAN - Stop joking. You're obviously lying .That's not true.

PERSON IN CHARGE - It's true. I understand the trauma .You're going through specially when you grew up with a single mother. But it's true . I just verified some records, and turns out you both have a father, a family. I'll be calling your father right now, to know if he wants to take you in.

VANSH POV- My phone's ringing.

VANSH - Angre, pick up my phone and put it on speaker 🔊.

ANGRE - Sure boss.

VANSH - Who's speaking?

P.I.C - Hello. Glad you picked up my call Mr. Raisinghaniya.
You must remember your wife Ms.Riddhima?

(Just then Ayaan comes in and even he starts listening)

P.I.C - Ms.Riddhima died yesterday and apparently she had twins with you when you both got separated. Now that she's dead , we have your twins sitting in front of me. They have nowhere to go now, therefore I called you to ask if you're willing to take them in?

VANSH -(coldly) My wife died 16 years back. I don't know what you're thinking when you try to prank me but it was ugly.

P.I.C - I am not lying. We have proof.

( Ian and Nina photoshopped Riddhima photo when she was lying on the bed)


AYAAN - If this is true, then what about the news all those years ago?

(Ayaan has also become heartless after Riddhima's you-know-what death and stopped acting and works in the Indian mafia with Vansh)

ANGRE - It would mean we have children.

VANSH - He just sent a photo.

AYAAN - So it's true.

ANGRE - So Bhai are we taking them in?

VANSH - You're seriously asking if I want the custody of my own children or not?

Of course yes.

(Vansh calls the P.I.C again)

VANSH - I want their custody.

(Phone was on speaker again)

P.I.C- Great. Children they want you pack your bags.

(The call is still going on)

NINA - Wait what? You're not telling me that our supposedly long lost father just agreed to take us in.

IAN - We are not going there. Who knows? What his actual intentions are? He didn't care about our mother. Why would he care about us? Besides, I am very protective of my lil sis.  What if he's part of a mafia?

( Vansh, Angre and Ayaan were listening to all this and were flabbergasted at the way they were snapping at the P.I.C and how rebellious they were)

AYAAN - They definitely your children. (He said smirking)

On the other side of the call

NINA - Aww Ian ..playing the protective big brother role? Not the right moment exactly. Do it when some cute boys hit on me.

(Vansh clenches his wrists)

(Vansh hangs up the phone)

VANSH - This is going to be so much fun. (He said smirking)


~your crazzy writer

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