Chapter one

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               A hooded person cursed as a robotic spider like creature crawled around. They grabbed a sling shot and a small rock aiming at the metal spider that was blocking their away from leaving the building. They aimed and the robot spider fell, crashing in pieces.
The person of unknown gender raced to the door and opened the door, greeting the freezing air. They grabbed one of the knives and slashed at the air, for a few seconds, nothing happened, then the slit parted open. Allowing the person to slip through.
Unbeknownst to the person a robotic spider also slipped through. Once they got to a place that they had thought was safer, they relaxed. A loud bang! Rang through the air, causing the person swirl around and saw a robotic spider that was different, this one was large and had a machine gun on its round body. The hooded person ran and ran, not noticing blood slid down their thigh, onto the forest floor. They made another tear onto the fabric of reality and escaped the large robotic creature.
Running through a wasteland, was the hooded person, they stumbled, disoriented. They leaned up against an enormous log, wincing as they suddenly felt a pain in their leg. They stood up and placed the pained leg onto the log and inspected it. They saw a bullet wound and cringed at the dried blood, when did they get that wound?
The hooded person observed their surroundings, was this earth? It sure looked like earth, however, this planet had an odd feeling to it, an unpolluted aura. They automatically looked down to see which gender they were this time, if this was earth, the original earth, they would be a tall young man. They looked to see their chest. they possessed the chest of the feminine gender.
"Well, looks like this isn't my earth, maybe an alternative earth? I mean, it looks like earth, an earth without humans at least," she uttered, voice echoing in the plains.
She pulled herself onto the large log with the help her trusty knives. She buried the knife into the log, putting a boot covered foot onto the handle, she repeated the process with the second knife and struggled to put her second foot onto the handle. She used her free leg to pull herself on top.
"I really should invest in a more convenient way to climb," she breathed heavily. when her eyes landed the old blood, she added, "and clean the wound out."
She looked around and saw the dead plain. No grass, rotting logs. A murky pond was in her line of view. She dug through her bag and found scanner that could scan a solar system if needed. She flicked the switch and discovered something of interest. She hummed, no intelligent life, well no intelligent life compared to humans. She tilted her head. A safe place from the others, that could come in handy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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