🦋1. Incoming Call🦋

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{Re~edited 8/19/21}

"Ring Ring"

"Ugghhhh, make it stop." I groaned, as I turned over in my bed. I fell asleep not even 3 hours ago. I was up all night partying with my best friend/ Roommate.

"Ring Ring"

This was the 5th time my phone started ringing. If you know me you would know, that I am most definitely not a morning person. "You know that could be important, how about you answer." My best friend said while getting ready for work.

"Cami, how the bloody hell are you even awake? Last night was amazing but, this hangover is most definitely not." I sat up in my bed glaring at the blonde bartender. I don't understand how Cami have so much energy in her after partying the night away.

"It's called, not drinking as much. I had less shots than you. Now please, answer your phone." Cami laughed as she walked out the room and into the kitchen.

I  just stared at my phone hoping that who ever it was would just give up, and after a minute or so it did. I smiled happily and flopped back down onto my bed until...

"Ring Ring"

"Oh for fuck sakes." I  finally had enough and grabbed my phone to answer, without looking at the caller ID. "Who ever the hell this is I will snatch you up, find a nice looking waterfall and, bury you alive right next to it so no one and I mean NO ONE will hear you scream!!" I  smiled as I  talked very calmly knowing that who ever was on the other end of this phone, would surly not wake me up again.

"Woah, woah, woah. Let's calm down little sis." The familiar voice said making me roll my eyes.

"Hello brother, what do I owe the wonderful surprise."

"When did you get a British accent?"

"I was in London a few years back. I picked up the accent and decided to keep it, now what do you want!!" I shouted in the phone annoyed.

"We need your help. Something is going down in Mystic Falls and, we need all hands on deck." My brother said, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I  haven't seen my brothers in 20 years the last time I  saw them, Damon was so hell bent on finding  Katherine and Stefan had his switch off. I'm a witch I had done a spell on myself that caused me not to age once my brothers became vampires . Once I left them 20 years ago, I travelled the world until I came across some wolves in New Orleans. They welcomed me with open arms, until one day they was slathered I left for a while but, came back only to meet new faces and new friends.

"Why on earth would I wanna come back there it should be called Tragic Falls." I rolled my eyes and finally got out of bed to get dressed.{outfit at the top}

"Please Bels,  we really need you with your badass witchyness". The Bourbon man pleaded on the other side of the phone. I hated going to Mystic Falls. Trouble was always near. The last time I talked on the phone with my brother, was when he first went back to Mystic Falls. He told me all about the doppelgänger and I was absolutely pissed.

After getting ready,  I went to the kitchen. Cami was still here fixing us both some breakfast. She gave me some water and ibuprofen which I happily took. "Look Dames I love you, I do but, give me one good reason on why I should return."

4 words...4 words was all it took for me to head back to the dreadful town.

"We finally trapped Katherine."

"On my way big bro." I hung up quickly and sat at the table to eat before I could go and pack my things.

"Soooo who was that and where are you going?" The blonde bartender asked, while slowly drinking her coffee while it was still hot.

"My dear, dear Camille. I am going back to Mystic Falls hopefully I won't stay long. That was just a incoming call from my beloved brother. They need me and I need to have a chit chat with a certain vampire." I told Cami everything, I didn't want her getting hurt. I wanted her to keep her guard up and stay beware of her surroundings . I love Cami we been friends for a very long time.

Cami looked up from her coffee and glared at me causing me to look away, her glares scare me. "Excuse me, that place is crawling with trouble Anna. At least that's what you told me."

"I love you Cami and I know how dangerous it is there but, it's my brothers even though they drive me mad I'll always be there for them. I also get to kill Katherine." I wink at my blonde friend and head to my bedroom to start packing.

Cami followed me while grabbing her keys. She worked at Rousseau's she loves that little job, I also worked there. Bartending is really fun most of time, listening to people stories, watching the crowd of people come in and have fun. I was going to miss that. "Just promise me that you'll be okay and, come back soon also call me Anna I want to know everything."

"I promise my beautiful Cami, I will be back soon enough and of course I will call." I went over to hug my best friend, god I was definitely going to miss her. After the I love yous and more hugging I finally finished packing and went to open the door. When I opened it a huge smirk came across my face.  There stood a mocha skinned man with a gorgeous smile.

"Well, well, well, you're leaving so soon little Bella? What am I going to do with out my favorite witch?" He hugged me then walked into the apartment with his hands behind his back.

"Awe Marcie are you going to miss little Ol me, I won't be gone long." Marcel Gerard was King of the Quarter, I met him and Cami when ever I came back to New Orleans. We are the greatest friends, Marcel is the best hype man ever at the parties we go to. If he wasn't  there then the party wasn't even a party at all.

"I'm just saying parties without you are going to be lame, so please hurry back okay." Marcel grinned as he helped me with my bags. The three of us walked down to the streets of New Orleans and Marcel helped with putting my bags into the car, once he finished we all hugged and said our last fair wells.

I  have no idea what I'm about to get into. I was only going there for two things and two things only, help with a small problem and, kill Katherine. I blame Katherine for everything she did to my brothers. Splitting them apart and, using them for her own sick games. My brothers stop showing me attention once they mingled more with Katherine and that pained me but, I love my brothers and I would never stop.

I got into my White 2021 Honda Accord and left New Orleans, not knowing who I would run into.

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