The World Could End Tomorrow.

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"Who knows, the world could end tomorrow and so, I'll continue to take in these moments with you".

You spoke with sugar that dripped from your bottom lip and surely I was craving sweets.

Your eyes never wavered far from mine, getting lost within my storms that swirled with sapphire clouds.

Unknown to you, you were the heat wave to dry the seemingly endless floods that nearly drowned me.

Though my eyes carried the weight of an ocean and the fury of a storm, they soon became tame in your presence.

The roaring fire in my core was nearly put out by the rain of my past.

But the sparks we created with our passion brought the flames to life once more.

The embers are flying high, turning into the stars as they write out our new storyline.

Before our love, we were ghosts of ourselves, drifting throughout life just trying to survive our own battles alone.

Fear tore us away from the arms of our families, our friends and laughed whilst we cried for it to end.

But a voice, One of familiar faith told me a secret.

It is you.

You and I against the world, hand in hand.

You may have spent a lifetime keeping secrets and hiding away but with me, allow your soul to shine though the cracks in your heart.

Let the truth gather in your eyes and pour down your cheeks in tears.

Though I cannot begin to understand what life was trying to teach you, I forgive it because it brought you into mine.

You are right, the world very well could end tomorrow.

But this time we are not alone.

So let's live today, together.

And pretend tomorrow doesn't exist.

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