Definitely Shitty, Sorta Okay

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That... that was the most eventful Christmas Eve he's had.

Granted, Aizawa didn't go all out or anything on Christmas. He liked to watch cheesy movies and drink hot drinks that all have a little bit of rum mixed in. (What can he say, it's the holiday season.)

The amount of sheer willpower it took for him to not strangle Endeavor with his capture weapon was daunting, and still not enough. Hizashi had to hold him back in the end, while he stared Endeavor in those stupid blue eyes and stopped his quirk from ruining everyone's night further.

Help had come for his student too late, Endeavor had been reaching for him when Aizawa ran in like a badass and kicked him square in the jaw. There was a satisfying pop and Aizawa would've smiled had his student not been four feet away and dying. He'd done his best to restrain Endeavor while another hero helped him out. Backdraft had shown up too, putting out the small fires left by Endeavor. The ones Todoroki couldn't put out before Midnight hauled him off to the EMTs.

Now, after a grueling call to a Todoroki Natsuo, who was studying somewhere in America for a month, Todoroki had just come out of a successful ten-hour surgery. It was only so quick because of some quirks of the nurses. Todoroki had skin grafted from his back to his shoulder, and his kneecap pieced back together. His fingers would heal with supervision and casts, his neck also had skin grafted. The few broken ribs he had were easily reset, and now he was resting, coming off of the high from the anesthesia.

And it was Christmas, don't blame Aizawa if he forgot.

He'd just been cleared to visit Todoroki, it was nearly 11:00 am now, and when he glanced through the window, Todoroki was playing with the thick white casts on his fingers, trying to peel them off or something. He didn't look as dull as last night, he looked tired, and yet he still wasn't sleeping, Aizawa seriously had the most stubborn students.

He opened the door and slid through the narrow opening he'd created for himself. It was quiet inside, Todoroki was mouthing something to himself silently, and he didn't look up to meet Aizawa's eyes.

"Todoroki, how are you feeling?" His voice was softer than he would ever admit to Hizashi. He'd never hear the end of that conversation.

Todoroki looked up with mismatched eyes, and he just stared. Aizawa stared back in confusion, thinking Todoroki might be having trouble thinking of what he needed to say. He had a bad concussion so it wouldn't be surprising.

Todoroki's nose twitched and he bent over to sneeze onto the sheets. It was a small noise, barely there and Aizawa wondered if that was a natural thing or if Todoroki trained himself to be quiet so Endeavor wouldn't hurt him.

"Bless you."

Todoroki nodded and tapped his cast on the railing of his bed. "Bless you too, Sensei."

He was so glad he got to hear that voice,
Even if it was nasally and raspy.

Aizawa picked a tissue from Todoroki's side table and reluctantly went to wipe the snot from his bandaged nose. Todoroki spoke through the action.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Dunno, kid. Probably whatever you want. You can't eat for a while though, okay?"

"Why not?" Todoroki furrowed his brow like a child about to cry because something was unfair.

"You're gonna be on a diet, Todoroki. The doctors told me you didn't eat enough so now you gotta eat super healthy for a few days. Only liquids because you had surgery. Tough shit."

"But soup," Todoroki whined, thinking of Inko's warm soup and the movies with Midoriya and Bakugo.

"In a few days, Todoroki."

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