[2] Adrenaline

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The smell was overpowering, so much so your other sense are dulled. The grass was wilted from lack of rain, and the thick substance covering it. The moon was high in the sky,

Heavy footsteps got closer, and Hashirama put a kunai close to his chest. He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. He knew who was behind him without even looking. He could recognize this chakra anywhere.

He turned around quickly, steel hitting steel as a sword his kunai. He looked to anywhere put the mans eyes, realizing his sharingan was indeed activated. He grunted as he tried to push him back. Simultaneously, they both fell back.

Madara dropped his sword quickly forming hand signs. Hashirama quickly braced himself, dodging the attack with wood style. He jumped to get a higher ground, loose strand of his hair flowing wildly in his eyes.

"Madara! Let's end this fighting, we're so close to our dream! I do not want to kill you." he yelled, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice. He really didn't want to kill his childhood best friend.

"Are you implying you can kill me at anytime, Hashirama?" he smirked, jumping to get level with him. "Aren't you the one who said you'd kill anyone who opposes the villige? Friends, brothers, children?" he spat, deactivating his sharingan.

Hashirama just stood still, now looking the raven in his eyes. They were black, no emotion, no care in the world besides the Senju's next move. Something then flickered in his eyes. For a brief moment. Then Madara was gone.

Hashirama's eyes widened as he turned around, being stabbed in his arm by a sword. He gasped, grabbing the sword with a tight grip to prevent it from penetrating further. The sword shook as both men tried to move it.

The Senju won in the battle of strength, cracking the sword and throwing Madara with it. The Uchiha stood to the side, brushing his armor off.

He chuckled, then laughed. It was a harsh sound. No humor behind it. Hashirama couldn't stop the shiver from running down his back.

"My heart races when i'm fighting you, Hashirama!" he said in between a laugh, locking eyes with the man. The Senju couldn't help but blush a bit at the words. He was confused.

"Now let's see you dance a little longer" he finally settled, forming signs quicker than Hashirama had time to react. He slammed his hand to the ground. "Kyuubi!" a large amount of smoke rung up, and the earth shook.

Hashirama moved back, avoiding the cracks in the ground. "Damn!" he cursed, looking up. His stomach dropped at the sight of it all. The demon fox roared, shaking the ground. Madara stood on top of his head, his arms still crossed.

The Senju knew his voice wouldn't reach him, so he made eye contact. A pleading look.

'Stop this, Madara. We were so close. Please.'

But the adrenaline rush was too much. The Uchiha's mind was clouding. All he could think of was the fight. The fighting. His mind was so clouded, however that he didnt sense the presence behind him. He froze, not even knowing that the nine tails was gone as well.

Dark eyes scanned the ground, and he saw the kyuubi being restrained with some type of wood dragon. He coughed harshly and saw the blood spill.


HIS blood.

Slowly, he turned his head and met lighter eyes than his. They were sad, not meeting his own. The uchiha felt the sword slowly get pulled out of his chest.

His knees buckled at he fell to the ground, water and blood soaking his clothes and now broken armor. He heard footsteps approach from his right. Or was it left? He didn't know.

"I missed your vital point on purpose" a low voice mumbled in his ear, though it sounded so loud. Was he dying?

'I, the Madara Uchiha, am dying.'  he thought, almost ready to just accept the fate given when that voice spoke again.

"I want you to have another chance Madara. Become the second Hokage. Help this village strive" he said, pulling him to his chest. Hashirama knew Madara wouldn't die. He wouldn't allow it.

Madara just sat silently, looking at the moon. He had planned for after his death, actually. He was ready to accept it. If he were to die, it would be by the Senju's hand. But it's that very hand saving him now.

Rushed footsteps approached, skidding to a stop suddenly. They sounded distant, but it was right next to them.

"Elder brother" the voice said, the older senju realizing it to be his younger brother. Madara couldn't pick out his chakra, he was too weak now. But once he spoke, he knew.

"Tobirama, i want you to call off the defenses. We've caught Madara. No more fighting." Hashirama said, his tone unreadable.

The younger senju scoffed, flicking his hand. "It doesn't matter! He betrayed us, not just us but the entire land of fire, brother! We cannot let him live" he put bluntly, but his rant was quickly shut down by a glare from the elder. He froze, staring him down until he sighed.

"Fine. But what on earth will we do with him?" he muttered, brushing the dust off from himself. Hashirama then smiled, happy his brother complied.

"We'll keep him under surveillance by anbu guards. We'll use sealing tags to limit that monster chakra. He'll be under my direct supervision." he stated, never taking his eyes off the man in his arms.

Madara watched as Hashirama's lips moved, but didn't hear the words. It was annoying. It irked him to no end. He wanted to punch him. But he couldn't move.

Tobirama rubbed his temples, sighing lowly. "You're the Hokage now, brother. You cant just watch-"

"I'll do what i can! If we leave him to die, it'll cause more trouble." he quickly cut his brother off, now irritated as well. He didn't know why, but the urge to save the Uchiha was stronger than anything he'd ever felt.

"...I understand" Tobirama finally said, now jumping away to call off any other forces who were still alive.

Hashirama sighed deeply, his hair shutting out his features like curtains. He slowly lifted his hand, cupping the mans cheek.

"One more time. Don't let this dream become a fairytale" he said to himself mostly. Madara felt his eyes flutter closed and his body shut down. It hurt too much.

Those eyes. That touch. That smile. Damn him. Damn him. DAMN HIM.

Hashirama caught Madara's body as it went limp, his heart skipping a beat. He quickly reached for his wrist, pressing firmly to feel a pulse.


He felt a faint heartbeat and let out a sigh.

Adrenaline rush. It finally got the best of you, huh Madara?

word count:

I'll be trying to update this as much as i can, please stick with me. I promise i have some good ideas.

Anywho it's late, i wanted to publish this before i slept.

Ily - Rin.

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