1: College

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Welcome to the first chapter. I hope you like it <3

College, the one thing you had been dreading since day one. It's not like you didn't want to go to College, you really did. You were going to one of the best acting Collages in your area and couldn't be more excited, but there was a slight problem. Three weeks before you were going to be showing up at campus your plans to stay with a family that houses foreign exchange students fell through, even though you weren't a foreign exchange student they were still more then happy to let you stay with them. But things changed for them last minute and they were out of rooms. Mad and slightly annoyed, you decided to just stay in the dorms. Three weeks later you show up and surprise surprise there is no more dorm housing left. Mad and out of hope you decided to try your luck at a hotel but before you left they told you there was one room left. It was crowded but they could squeeze you in. Over joyed and thankful you took it. And now you find yourself stuck in a room with three other girls and a cat, how you got yourself here, you could say it was just plain old luck but you where grateful to be where you were, in the small, crowded dorm you lived in.

It has been three months since you first started school and were somewhat adapting to life crammed in a small living space with three other people. You were writing an email to your history teacher when your roommates cat, Sushi, jumped on the couch behind you. She purred as she rubbed her back against your head annoying the crap out of you." Sushi, go away." You said pushing her away. She made her way back over to you and ran her tail across your arm." Sushi. I am trying to write an email." You picked the cat up and tossed her on the floor. You went back to writing your email when one of your roommates walked in." Hey, you want to go out tonight?" You looked up to see Mindy standing in front of you with a big smile across her face." I can't, I have to much stuff to do. Sorry." " Please, you haven't gone out with us one time sense you got here." You stopped writing when she sat down next to you , you looked over at her and sighed." Please." She still had a big smile on her face, waiting for your answer." Ugh, fine I'll go." She stood up and took your hand as she pulled you off of the couch." What are you doing?" You asked as you closed your computer and set it back down on the couch." We need to do your hair and makeup." But it's five o'clock, we aren't leaving till seven." I know, but you need to look perfect for tonight." You rolled your eyes and fallowed along with her.

Two hours later and a lot of hairspray you were ready to go out with your friends, the only thing left was your outfit. Your friends searched through your closet trying to find some sort of outfit for you to wear." You have like no clothes, at all." Mindy said as she dropped some shirts on the floor." I don't party, I never have okay." Jenifer and Chelsie, your other roommates, walked into your room and looked around at the mess before her." Gosh, what the hell happened in here?" Jen asked. You were sitting on your bed, your legs crossed with Sushi sitting next to you." Not sure." You answered her." Ok." Mindy interrupted as she stood up and turned around to face you and her other two roommates who were sitting next to you now." You have nothing to wear. Nothing!" She exclaimed dramatically." Fallow me." Jenifer said, taking your hand in hers and pulling you out of your room." Wait." You said as she shoved you onto her bed." It's your lucky day because I don't do this to just anyone." Jen said as she pulled out a light blue dress from her closet and handed it to you." Jen, I can't take this." " Just go put it on before I change my mind." You quickly got up and went into the bathroom to change. The dress Jen had picked out for you was a shorter dress, the length stopping right above your knees, it was brought in at the waist, hugging your curves perfectly. The top was a low V neck that went right down the center of your chest, showing more skin then you were use to. Mindy had picked out a pair of black heels for you and Chelsie was kind enough to let you borrow some of her sliver earrings and a necklace that matched. You walked out of the bathroom and stood in front of your friends. You looked at them as they looked on at you in awe." It's a little revealing." You whispered as you looked down at it." You look so beautiful." Chelsie said as the others agreed." Well, are we partying tonight or what?" You asked, braking the awkward silence between the four of you." Your right. Let's get going." Mindy said, standing up and smiling.

After a short drive you all made it to the party Mindy had been nonstop talking about for two weeks." There are going to be a bunch of actors here." Mindy said as she parked the car." What, really?" You asked, exiting the car." Yeah, to what I heard." You all walked towards the mansion that the party was being held at." How did you even get invited to this?" Jen asked as you all entered the large venue." What does it matter, we are here aren't we?" You looked around the room, a large crystal chandelier hung in the center of the room. The room was filled to the brim with people, some you knew from college, and others you recognized from movies a TV shows. To say you felt out of place was an understatement, you didn't belong here, you really didn't want to be there ether. You stuck close to your friends, not wondering around a whole lot. Until your friends got into a mad game of Beer pong, you stayed at the side lines, observing the others in the room when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned your head and looked at the persons who got your attention. You were met by the most stunting set of blue eyes you had ever seen, his light brown hair was combed back but still slightly unruly and flopping over to one side." Hi, I'm Sebastian." He said kindly as he held out his hand for you to shake." Y/N, nice to meet you." You shook his hand and returned the smile that was plastered on his face." I couldn't help but notice you from across the room." He started." You looked lonely." You looked over at him then back to your friends who looked very drunk." I guess I am, sort of. I came out with my friends but they don't seem to need me." He looked at the table where your friends and a verity of other people were standing." I totally get it, I came with some friends too. But they found something better to do." His eyes wondered around the room for a moment, as if he was looking for someone before they found yours again. The two of you talked for what seemed like hours until he turned to you and asked you a question. " Would it be to up forward to ask if you wanted to go on a walk with me?" Your eyes widened at his question, he was ready to dismiss the idea but before he could you said yes. He smiled and put his arm out for you to take." Shall we then?" He asked in his best fake British accent, you giggled and took his arm." We shall." You both exited the building and walked down the sidewalk to a small but pleasant park.

It was about one in the morning when you made it to the park and started to wonder around. You both talked as you wonder around, looking at the small pond and around the path way that led to the center of the park." So, let me see if I get this right, you are going to the local collage and studying acting, and art?" He asked as you both walked along the path." Yes, that's correct." He smiled over at you as you smiled back." I hope you enjoy it." " Yeah, me too." You made it to the other side of the park by two in the morning, both of you feeling the drain from the party you were both just at." I should probably head back." You told Sebastian." Yeah I thing I should too." You took his hand in yours and you both headed back to the party. When the two of you got back you spotted your friends standing outside of the mansion, beer in their hands and smug smiles on their faces." Look who finely came back." Mindy slurred as she raised her beer in the air." Who is that?" Jen asked, pointing at Sebastian." This is Sebastian." You said to your friends." Hi." He said shyly." Where were you at? You left us." Mindy said pouting." I went for a walk." " Sure you did." Chelsie said, winking at both of you." I should probably go find my friends." Seb said, braking the awkward silence between the five of you." Ok, see you around?" You asked." You bet." He said good bye and walked into the mansion behind you." He's hot, you two look cute together." Jen said half laugh." Oh shut up and get in the car." You commanded. Maybe she was right, did you really look cute with him? You didn't let your mind dwell on it for too long, right now you had to get three very drunk people back to your dorm.

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