Dr Kondraki x researcher reader

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Reader is a researcher with ✨anxiety✨ and ✨ADHD✨
Panic attack warning ig?

Anyways this is based off the picture above believe it or not lmao
Dr Bright and Dr Kondraki are in the back whilst you're in the passenger seat and Dr Clef is driving.
Apologies if i portrayed this wrong, I'm pretty sure I have adhd but will not confirm that until I've been properly diagnosed. This will be based off my experiences.
Also Dr ■■■■ is you :]
Narrator's POV
So far everything was in absolute chaos. Dr Kondraki, Bright, Clef and you were on a field trip of sorts. You were just dragged along since a responsible staff member had to be there to make sure Dr Bright and Dr Clef didn't start strangling eachother in the car. 05's rules, not mine. Probably a bad idea to pick Doctor ■■■■ though. The 05's new what they were doing.
So far, Kondraki looked like he was about to send himself through the window as Clef screamed at Bright. I don't blame him, Dr Bright was throwing sandwiches at random people passing by.
"Jesus fuck, where did my camera go-"
"Oi, Kondraki- OW CLEF, YOU RAT."

You started shaking slightly, staring down at your feet in the passenger seat. Too much was happening at once.
Digging your nails into the palms of your hands, you try to calm yourself.
Yet you simply didn't know how.
You could hear too many voices at once, too many sounds too. There was so much to focus on and you could hear it all at once.
It hurt. Your head hurt.
Your eyes began to..blur? Tears?

Dr Clef's POV
I looked over to see Dr ■■■■..Shaking?
It would seem like it. I turned my head back to Kondraki for a short second.
"Hey erm.. Dr ■■■■ seems to be shaking? Is he...okay?"I said, concern tinting my voice. It's not often I worry about someone so Kondraki snapped out of his little trance quite quickly.
"Heh?" He went, turning his head to look at Dr ■■■■. He did seem to be shaking.
Dr Kondraki's POV
Unclipping my seat belt so I could move around, I leant towards the front of the vehicle.
"Hey, ■■■■?" I questioned, not getting a response. His breathing suddenly grew unregular and heavy as if he was panicking.
"Oi, Dr ■■■■? You there?" Clef called out, eyes on the road, making sure we didn't crash.
I moved forwards so I was quite close to Dr ■■■■.
I panicked slightly, seeing that he was showing all the signs of a panic attack.
"H-hey, snap out of it!" I called, in a desperate attempt at getting him to listen to me. Still, the man still seemed too overwhelmed to realise I was speaking to him. I saw tears form in his eyes, threatening to fall soon.
At that moment I was sure it was a panic attack. I put my hand on his shoulder, making him jolt in surprise. He looked back at me, panic clear on his face. I never usually feel bad when people cry but those tears made me sad.  "Hey, uhm-" I paused to think. "Just.. l-listen to my voice, alright? Focus on me. Just me." I said in a hopefully calming tone, yet loud enough for him to hear me over everything else.
"I-I.. I can't! T-too much.." he cut himself off to hold back a sob.
"Pull over." I said, quickly turning to Clef. Surprisingly he didn't have any objections and looked for a safe place to pull over since we had made it onto a highway.
"Just keep listening to my voice." I said, looking straight back into his eyes. I knew he probably couldn't, but I hoped he could manage until we had pulled over.
Dr Bright watched with concern. As much as he liked chaos and all that stuff, he had seen Dr ■■■■ around the facility every now and then. He probably grew fond if the man. Dr ■■■■ was a hard worker besides from being different in an odd way noone could put their finger on.
Dr ■■■■ held eye contact with me, hyperventilating more than before.

Eventually, we were pulled into a small space near the road. Dr Bright switches places with ■■■■ so I could attempt to calm him down. I didn't know what to do and pulled him into my chest. I was considerably taller than him so I hoped I could comfort him somehow. I felt tears soak my shirt, but that didn't matter. "Hey um, just- Count backwards from 10 with me." I said, knowing it probably wouldn't do much.
I had seen it being used on TV but I doubt it would do anything in a real situation like this one. I nervously put a hand on his head. I pulled him closer into a sort of hug.
Dr Clef looked at me questioningly, almost a kind of 'I didn't expect to see this today' kind of look.
■■■■ didn't start counting, so I just counted on my own helping he'd focus on that and feel better. I felt his breathing slow slightly.
"Everything's okay." I said, mainly attempting to reassure myself. This was an odd thing for me to do, usually I'd leave a person on their own in this situation.
Dr Clef and Bright went on a walk so that they could give Dr ■■■■ some silence. Of course I only let them go after giving Clef my full permission to shoot Bright in the face if he tried anything seemingly illegal unless it was beneficial to us.
I sat up Dr ■■■■ so I could see his face. Tears still stained his cheeks along with a light dust of pink.
At that moment he seemed to realise he was on my lap and began to freak out quite a bit. His face almost seemed to glow red as he desperately made a bad attempt at covering his burning face.
"Come on, I just helped you. Now's not the time to be flustered and all that."
"I-I wasn't-" ■■■■ objected, before I cut him off by putting my finger on his lips. He looked down for a bit, not knowing what to say. After a few moments of silence, I spoke up.
"What happened then?"
I felt his body tense against mine, clearly wishing he could avoid the question.
"E-erm.. This feels silly." He said. I could see where the man was coming from, but nows not the time to be ashamed.
"That's not important, care telling me what happened then?" I questioned once more. I truly did want to know.
He sighed shakily, dreading having to answer me.
"It was.. overwhelming. Everything." Dr ■■■■ answered shortly, hoping he had got out of my question.
"I can tell, you know."
"W-what?" He stuttered, desperately trying to act confused.
"ADHD. I've figured it out. I've had to work with a few class-d with minor ADHD during experiments." I say, in the most calming tone I can manage.
"Nonono.." ■■■■ says, seemingly speaking more to himself than me.
"Hey, it's okay. It's not like I'm gonna demote you or anything." I say, slightly worried by how he was beginning to panic again. I watched him relax slightly, his panicked expression fading.
It was..cute? Not in a gay way.
I think.
I looked away from ■■■■, preferring not to look flustered in front of him.
"Ahem, anyway.. You okay now?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know.
"Y-yeah.." He said, probably embarrassed about what had happened.
Hm.. maybe keeping him around wouldn't be so bad.
alright let's see- 1319 words for my first oneshot! I'm pretty surprised, so thanks so much to whoever read this and to anyone who votes on my story!
Pronouns: He/Him. You may call me Dr C.C :)

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