"Things change, cuz." Barbara shrugged, her eyes landing on Jason for the first time since she sat down. "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. Barbara Gordon, Blair's cousin."

"Jason Todd," He introduced himself, glancing over at Blair for a second before he added, "Blair's boyfriend."

"Speaking of things changing!" Barbara blinked in surprise, her eyes darting between the two. "I thought you said you didn't want to date because you were focusing on school."

Ah, the euphemism for her oath to never date while she was Knight Wolf. Blair shrugged, looking her cousin directly in the eye as she said, "I dropped out two months ago. I learn better by doing anyway." Her lips turned up into a satisfied smile as Barbara's left her face. "Now I have time to focus on other things."

Gordon gave Blair a confused look as Barbara stared at her in shock, "You dropped out?"

Blair was saved from having to answer when the waitress appeared by their table, ready to take their order. While it was amusing to see the look on Barbara's face at the revelation that she had dropped out of college, it didn't make up for everything she had said two years ago.

She ordered her food, her leg bouncing anxiously underneath the table. Out of all the things she expected tonight, Barbara's return to Gotham was not one of them. A hand landed on her knee, calming her nerves. She looked over at Jason, seeing him give her a reassuring smile as Gordon leaned forward, their waitress disappearing into the kitchen, "Okay, now that we're all here and our food is ordered, I have something to say."

"The announcement of your running for police commissioner?" Blair said, glancing over at Jason in amusement, lacing her fingers through his underneath the table. "He does this every time he runs, like it's a surprise."

"Actually, I'm not running this year." Gordon responded, much to her surprise. If she had taken a drink of her tea at that moment, she would've sprayed it all over him in shock. "I've picked someone to run in my place."

Jason picked up his Coke, muttering under his breath, "You weren't expecting that one were you?"

"Shut up." She muttered back before speaking at a normal volume again, her eyes on her uncle, "You aren't running this year? Why?"

"I want to just enjoy some time to myself." Seeing her confused expression, he added, "I'll still work with Gotham PD, but part time as a detective with Harvey."

Blair tapped the side of her glass in thought. If he was planning on retiring, it meant he had found a person to run in his place. Seeing as he had just said he would be working alongside Harvey as partners again, it was clear Bullock was out of the running. "Who's your replacement?"

"I am." Barbara answered confidently.

Blair narrowed her eyes, "I'm sorry, I think I just hallucinated. I thought you just said you were running in his place."

Barbara nodded while Jason squeezed her hand, "I did say that."

"Isn't there a list of requirements you have to fulfill before becoming a commissioner?" Blair asked, trying to keep herself calm. It was one thing for Barbara to move back to Gotham after all these years, but it was a completely different thing for her to run for commissioner. Not only did her running directly affect Blair's life, but it put Barbara in a position where she would be a living target for people like Two-Face and the Joker... again. "Isn't one of those that you have to actually work at the police department of the city you're running in?"

"I start tomorrow." Barbara nodded, lifting her glass of tea to her lips. "Partnering with Maria Santiago."

"How? You're in a wheelchair, Barbara." She knew she sounded like a horrible person, but she didn't know how else to put it. At least she wasn't saying anything remotely close to what Barbara had told her before leaving town. "How the hell are you going to work with Maria?"

Knight Wolf and Little Robin {Jason Todd} ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now