My contribution to Pride Month 2021

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TW: Very slight implied past abuse with Hitoshi and Eri in the beginning

Aizawa woke up with a start at the sound of a crash coming from the living room. Normally, he would not have immediately panicked because he was married to Hizashi after all, but the quiet and panicked cursing that followed after it made he scramble to his feet.

He tossed the blanket off of himself as he rushed to get up. It was not even a thought as he chose to forgo his shoes in order to get to the living room faster. Hastily putting on sweatpants while opening the door, he quickly hurried into the hallway.

If he was waking up like one would normally, he would take his time to admire the three photos on the mostly bare walls.

The first was one of him and his husband on their wedding day in tuxes. A bright smile covered Aizawa's face cheek to cheek as he did not even tried to maintain his monotone and annoyed facial expression he normally held. His husband shared a similar look as he stared at him instead of the camera.

The next one was technically not a photo. Instead, it was two framed adoption certificates. One labeled Shinsou Hitoshi and the other Aizawa-Yamada Eri. He remembered the tears of joy all of them shared when they were determined legal family, despite having been one for much longer. But he also remembered the tears of fear and hurt Hitoshi had shed that day. His son had been ashamed at the fact that he wanted to keep his last name, the only thing he had left of his, late single mother, besides his memories. Though the tears had quickly changed to happy ones after both his dad and pop explained that they would never be mad about something like that.

Lastly, it was a family photo of the four of them. Aizawa stood in the back left with a small smile gracing his lips. He was dressed in his hero uniform with his hand resting on Eri's shoulder, who stood in front of him. She had dressed herself that morning in a tutu from her costume box and a shirt with a cat pun, her hair done up in twin pigtails with bows in them. To her right, Hitoshi stood with an unnoticeable blush covering his cheeks. He was embarrassed because of the photo being taken in his honor on the day he officially transferred the the hero course. Finally, behind him stood Hizashi. He had his hair down that day in a braid and in his casual wear. Leaning to the left, his head rested slightly on his husbands shoulder as his hand rested on Shinsou's shoulder.

After his hurry, he finally reached the living room. Hitoshi kneeled on the carpet trying to hurriedly clean up shards of broken glass as Eri sat on the couch, hand over her mouth, and tears in her eyes.

Upon noticing her father she let out a squeak and fell further onto the couch. Hearing the noise, Hitoshi quickly turned with the expression a kid would have while having an arm stuck in a cookie jar.

"Are you both alright? You did not cut yourselves with glass did you?" he asked  while taking a step toward them.

A flicker of surprise flashed through Shinsou's eyes before landing on understanding. He shoulders visibly relaxed as he replied, "I made sure to get her safely on the couch but I got a small cut on my hand in my hurry. I forgot where I was for a second, sorry." The presumedly uncut hand rubbed the back of his neck as his face maintained a sheepish look.

A small frown made his way across his lips as he nodded. Working quickly, he grabbed one of there many first aid kit's, this one from the kitchen. He walked over to him with less urgency then he had when making his way here from the bedroom but still quickly.

Once he was crouched down next to his son, he grabbed the boy's wrist in a gentle hold and assessed the damage from the cut. A long but skinny cut traveled vertically down the purplette's palm with blood already bleeding from it. He grabbed a white wash cloth from the container and an thing of medical alcohol as well. Holding the rag beneath the cut, he poured some on the top of it and let it dribble down to the cloth.

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