I pushed them apart making them go there separate ways as I headed off to my chambers.


The mirror had a pretty patina upon its bronze, the glass made all the more charming by its black-freckles. It reflected a young princess, well me. I wore a strapless long ball gown starting as a deep royal blue at the top that cascaded down to the palest blue, it was decorated all over in small gold detailings like the stars on a clear night. My hair was long and wavy with a simple braid from either side meeting at the back.

"My goodness you look stunning princess," Asta spoke softly as she finished pinning in my hair.

"Why thank you, but I could never look this good without you," I replied staring at my reflection.

"Nonsense you are the most beautiful young girl around, whether your all dressed up or just playing around in your brothers old clothes," the servant spoke both of us letting out a small laugh.

"Now, shall I be escorting you," she asked me.

"No that is quite alright, my brothers said they would and I should probably go and find them as we do not want to be arriving late to another of father's balls again."

"As you wish," the servant nodded.

"I shall clear up here and have it ready for when you return."

"Thank you Asta, but if I do not return before you finish work you do not need too wait for me," I told her before pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you miss, now go you do not want to be late and it seems your brothers are taking their time," I nodded and left to go pull open the large door and walk out into the spacious hall.

Bang bang bang.

I knocked on both my brothers doors.

"Come on we are going to be late," I shouted through one of their doors.

"Calm down I am coming," I heard from inside, then out stepped my brother he wore mainly navy clothing with red details here and there and a small amount of silver armour on his chest, he had nothing bar wristbands on his arms the one on his left covering the injury.

"How is your arm?" I asked looking down at his left arm.

"It is healing a lot faster thanks to your work I owe you one," he replied smiling down at his little sister.

"Well, I will take a look at it tomorrow and how about that ride you promised to take me on like weeks ago," I smirked looking up.

"Very well, I will take you," he went to pat me on the head.

"Hey non of that tonight, it took Asta a solid hour to get this hair right," I took a step back and glared at him but he simply laughed.

"Did I mention how nice you look tonight," Thor spoke but I just rolled my eyes.

"Right I am ready to get this dreadful night over with," our brother slammed his door shut as stared at us he was wearing his usual long dark and green attire.

"Well, don't you look beautiful," he smirked and held his arm out.

I just smiled as I took his arm and Thor's as we all proceeded to walk too the ballroom.

Coming up to the ballroom you could navigate your way by just hearing the hustle and bustle from its commotion, the warmth of it and the sweet smell of freshly baked pastries.

Two focused guards stood by the entrance assessing the people that walked in we on the other hand headed a different way. Up flights of stairs down dark corridors we arrived at a second pair of guards this time with someone to announce our arrival.

Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now