We have never gotten that close before I don't know where that will go but I have to say he definitely didn't lie when he said he works out.


When I entered my room I quickly stripped into a thin gown and proceeded to sponge down then going to my dressing table to do a light bit of make-up before throwing on my dress and sitting down to finish the last page of a book I promised Loki that I would read.

I closed my book quickly throwing it into a draw on my bedside table then ran out of my room and down the many halls. I wore a strapless purple dress with a dark blue satin round my waist matching my flat shoes. I wore small gold arm plates on my upper arms along with a detailed golden V shaped headband. My platinum blonde hair pulled back loosely in a French plait, with strands framing my face.

I came to the huge grand golden doors which separated the palace to the outside world, as I slowed to a walk I was met with my parents.

"Ahh my dear Kiara I see you have heard of the troops and your brothers arrival," father smiled, glad of their return.

"Let us go outside to meet them," mother excitedly walked in front.

The guards opened the golden doors to reveal warriors mingling in the yard also meeting their loved ones, some had sadness written upon their faces where as others seemed overjoyed. They walked down the first flight of stairs which brought them to a platform that over looked everyone below them. I was about to walk down the next set of stairs to reach the yard where everyone else seemed to be greeting their family.

"Did you miss me," I heard a familiar voice speak behind me.

I spun around to be met with my brother stood smirking his hands clasped together in front of his dark black and green armour. Without thinking I ran towards him and threw my arms around his waist as he also wrapped his arms around me, clearly glad too be back.

"I take that as a yes," Loki chuckled making a smile form on my face.

"Kiara, remember your formalities," Odin sternly whispered.

I let go of Loki and rolled my eyes in the opposite direction of our father as I asked "where is Thor."

"He is ... In a foul mood don't ask why as I do not know, he has been like it for the past couple of days," Loki responded as mother came up to greet him.

She placed her hand cupping his face "I have missed you," she hugged him tightly.

"Father," Loki nodded as he proceeded to walk past Odin who seemed far more interested in locating his other son.

I skipped along to catch up with my big brother my head filled with millions of questions.

"So what was it like?"
"How many people did you kill? "
"Did you nearly die?"

I talked so fast you could barely understand a word of it.

"Kie," Loki placed both his hands on my shoulders holding me in front if him.

"I will tell you everything, but first I must get out of my armour and go and clean up," I felt my face drop.

"But you should find Thor I really don't know what he is annoyed about, he has a soft spot for you maybe you can snap him out of whatever it is."

I nodded and headed in the opposite direction as I heard Loki say "a simple locator spell might help."

After doing the simple spell I found myself outside Thor's chambers, I knocked a few times and waited a while until he would let me in.

Princess of AsgardWhere stories live. Discover now