Lia wracked her brains frantically. Sunday? She hesitated too long because her mother picked up on it.

"You haven't forgotten about Sunday, have you?" the older Choi said dryly. "Lia, the Lee's are coming over to show us photos from their Bermuda trip. You and Bin said you'd be there."

"Oh, right, right." Lia had forgotten. Now she wished she had a decent excuse. Hang on, she did. "Mom, Soobin has to work this weekend. He has some big project and it seems important to him. I want to support him. -"

Her mother interrupted her blatant lie. "Of course you do, hon. But that doesn't stop you and Elly from coming."

Lia couldn't think of a decent excuse. "Okay, Mom. We'll be there."

After the phone call, Lia felt drained. She hadn't done much through the day to get her to that state but lately her emotions seemed to be running riot. She finished putting away the groceries and for the first time in her life, wished she had a good stiff drink. Soobin had some whisky somewhere. She was halfway to searching for it when she realised that it was a stupid thing to do. Looking over at Elly, who was painstakingly drawing a masterpiece at the dining room table, she let out a breath and thought about her life. Last week, she'd been so sure that all she had to do was take the time to get her life back on track. She'd talked to Soobin about his project, and tried to understand where he was coming from. She'd thrown herself into work and Elly more than ever. Despite everything, Lia still felt strangely empty.

Every now and then she found herself drifting off, her mind elsewhere. The disturbing fact was that it inevitably ended up on one brown-haired musician.

She was different. She was cool. Lia, never the cool kid and never the popular one, wondered if that was her wish: to be friends with the coolest person she could find. Ignoring the glaring neon signs inside her that pointed to directions she refused to acknowledge, she regretted the fact that a lot of her friendships had slipped by the wayside.

Sure, she had friends at work, and friends through her parents and Soobin but her life was getting predictable and dull.

Lia was suddenly dreading the thought of being the reliable, bake sale mom that her life was leading towards. Hell, she'd go out with Yeji and she'd have fun. It would be good for her. And if she was happier, then her life would be better. Her marriage would be better and she could be more supporting of Soobin. And everything would be... okay.

* * * * *

Lia smoothed down her top for the umpteenth time and calmed her shaking nerves and tremulous hands. One last glance in the mirror confirmed that she looked good as she walked out of the bedroom. Elly met her in the living room with an awe-filled look on her face and a cookie in her hand. Lia appreciated the way she'd managed to interrupt the eating of said cookie just with her emergence.

Keeping Elly from a cookie was well-nigh impossible so at least she knew she looked pretty good. That being said, she let out a chuckle when her daughter crammed the rest of the chocolaty goodness in her mouth and signed at her, still in awe, "You look beautiful." The little girl's eyes were round and brilliant.

Careful not to get chocolate on her outfit, Lia knelt down and swept her into a huge hug, tucking a stray of hair behind one ear on her little girl. Every day Elly looked just a little bit more like Lia. Sometimes Lia wondered if her heart could hold any more love but every day Elly found a new way to make it do so.

"Thank you," she signed back.

Soobin came out of the kitchen, a tea towel slung over one shoulder and his jeans riding low on his hips. To Lia's surprise, he'd been more than happy to be home in time so she could go out. In fact, he'd been positively encouraging.

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